Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Error runs down an inclined plane while Truth has to laboriously climb its way up hill.

Monday, February 25, 2008

John J. O'Neill

" Scientists today cannot look down on astrology; instead, they must raise their eyes to take in the higher horizons that astrologers have preserved for them. Astrology is one of the most important fields for scientific research to-day, and one of the most neglected."

John J.O'Neill
Pulitzer Prize Winner
and former Science Editor of "The New York Tribune"

David F. Jordan

"Men in business are constantly obliged to consider the future. In fact, their prosperity is dependent chiefly upon their ability of successfully foresee economic developments"

Dr. David F. Jordan

Manly P. Hall

It is not possible religiously to assume that this creation is without a cause. And, it is not possible scientifically to assume that everything that exists is merely an accident.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban (22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626) was an English philosopher, statesman, and essayist. He is also known as a proponent of the scientific revolution.

His works established and popularized an inductive methodology for scientific inquiry, often called the Baconian method or simply, the scientific method. In the context of his time such methods were connected with the occult trends of hermeticism and alchemy[citation needed]. Nevertheless, his demand for a planned procedure of investigating all things natural marked a new turn in the rhetorical and theoretical framework for science, much of which still informs conceptions of proper methodology today.

Bacon was knighted in 1603, created Baron Verulam in 1618, and created Viscount St Alban in 1621; without heirs, both peerages became extinct upon his death. He has been credited as the creator of the English essay.


Paracelsus (11 November or 17 December 1493 in Einsiedeln, Switzerland – 24 September 1541 in Salzburg, Austria) was an alchemist, physician, astrologer, and general occultist. Born Phillip von Hohenheim, he later took up the name Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim, and still later took the title Paracelsus, meaning "equal to or greater than Celsus", a Roman encyclopedist from the first century known for his tract on medicine.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Zecharia Sitchin

Indeed, a number of popular writers have speculated that ancient artifacts such as the pyramids and giant stone sculptures must have been fashioned by advanced visitors from another planet -- for surely primitive man could not have possessed by himself the required technology? How was it, for another example, that the civilization of Sumer seemed to flower so suddenly nearly 6000 years ago without a precursor? But since these writers usually fail to show when, how, and, above all, from where such ancient astronauts did come -- their intriguing questions remain unanswered speculations.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


The Gnostic sects, the Arabs, Alchemists, Templars, Rosicrucians, and lastly the Freemasons, form the Western chain in the transmission of occult science."

Papus, The Tarot of the Bohemians

Manly P. Hall

It is probable that Rosicrucian symbolism is a perpetuation of the secret tenets of the Egyptian Hermes, and that the Society of Unknown Philosophers is the true link connecting modern Masonry, with its mass of symbols, to ancient Egyptian Hermeticism, the source of that symbolism.

Manly P. Hall
The ancients divided mechanics into two parts: the rational, which proceeds rigorously through demonstrations, and the practical. Practical mechanics is the subject that comprises all the manual artist, form which the subject of mechanics as a whole has adopted its name, from which the subject of mechanics as a whole has adopted its name. But since those who practice an art do not generally work with a high degree of exactness, the whole subject of mechanics is distinguished from geometry by the attribution of exactness to geometry and of anything less than exactness to mechanics.

For the basic problem [lit. whole difficulty] of philosophy seems to be to discover the forces of nature from the phenomena of motions and then to demonstrate the other phenomena from these forces.

Newton, The Principia

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Manly P. Hall

There are, however, few mature minds in the world; and thus it was that the philosophic-religious doctrines of the pagans were divided to meet the needs of these two fundamental groups of human intellect -- one philosophic, the other incapable of appreciating the deeper mysteries of life. To the discerning few were revealed the esoteric, or spiritual, teachings, while the unqualified many received only the literal, or exoteric, interpretations. In order to make simple the great truths of Nature and the abstract principles of natural law, the vital forces of the universe were personified, becoming the gods and godesses of the ancient mythologies. While the ignorant multitudes brought their offerings to the altars of Priapus and Pan (deities representing the procreative energies), the wise recognized in these marble statues only symbolic concretions of great abstract truths.

Manly P. Hall

Friday, February 15, 2008


  1. Andromeda
  2. Ara
  3. Camelopardalis
  4. Capricornus
  5. Cetus
  6. Corona Australis
  7. Cygnus
  8. Eridanus
  9. Horolgium
  10. Leo
  11. Lynx
  12. Musca
  13. Pavo
  14. Pisces
  15. Sagitta
  16. Serpens
  17. Triangulum Australe
  18. Virgo
  19. Antlia
  20. Aries
  21. Cancer
  22. Carina
  23. Chamaeleon
  24. Corona Borealis
  25. Delphinus
  26. Fornax
  27. Hydra
  28. Leo Minor
  29. Lyra
  30. Norma
  31. Pegasus
  32. Piscis Austrinus
  33. Sagittarius
  34. Sextans
  35. Tucana
  36. Volans
  37. Apus
  38. Auriga
  39. Canes Venatici
  40. Cassiopeia
  41. Circinus
  42. Corvus
  43. Dorado
  44. Gemini
  45. Hydrus
  46. Lepus
  47. Mensa
  48. Octans
  49. Perseus
  50. Puppis
  51. Scorpius
  52. Taurus
  53. Ursa Major
  54. Vulpecula
  55. Aquarius
  56. Bootes
  57. Canis Major
  58. Centaurus
  59. Columba
  60. Crater
  61. Draco
  62. Grus
  63. Indus
  64. Libra
  65. Microspocium
  66. Ophiuchus
  67. Phoenix
  68. Pyxis
  69. Sculptor
  70. Telescopium
  71. Ursa Minor
  72. Aquila
  73. Caelum
  74. Canis Minro
  75. Cepheus
  76. Coma Berenices
  77. Crux
  78. Equuleus
  79. Hercules
  80. Lacerta
  81. Lupus
  82. Monoceros
  83. Orion
  84. Pictor
  85. Reticulum
  86. Scutum
  87. Triangulum
  88. Vela

57 NAVIGATIONAL STARS (not in order)

  1. Alpheratz
  2. Ankaa
  3. Schedar
  4. Diphda
  5. Achernar
  6. Hamal
  7. Acamar
  8. Menkar
  9. Mirfac
  10. Aldebaran
  11. Rigel
  12. Capella
  13. Bellatrix
  14. Elnath
  15. Alnilam
  16. Betelgeuse
  17. Canopus
  18. Sirius
  19. Adhara
  20. Procyon
  21. Pollux
  22. Avior
  23. Suhail
  24. Miaplacidus
  25. Alphard
  26. Regulus
  27. Dubhe
  28. Denebola
  29. Gienah
  30. Acrux
  31. Gacrux
  32. Alioth
  33. Spica
  34. Alkaid
  35. Hadar
  36. Menkent
  37. Arcturus
  38. Rigel Kentaurus
  39. Zubenelgenubi
  40. Kochab
  41. Alpheca
  42. Antares
  43. Atria
  44. Sabic
  45. Shaula
  46. Rasalhague
  47. Eltanin
  48. Kaus Australis
  49. Vega
  50. Nunki
  51. Altair
  52. Peacock
  53. Deneb
  54. Enif
  55. Al Na'ir
  56. Fomalhaut
  57. Markab

Daniel H Burnham, Architect

"Make not little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized.

Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remember that a noble, logical diagram once recorded

will never die, but long after we are gone will a living thing, asserting itself with ever growing instency."

--Daniel H. Burnham


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Truth to Power

"Going to where the silence is. That is the responsibility of a journalist: giving a voice to those who have been forgotten, forsaken, and beaten down by the powerful."

Amy Goodman,

This month's "Political Commentary" is a series of quotes from sources of information/opinion that are persistently suppressed by our merged-to-the-hilt corporate newspapers, radio, and television, as well as by government-run "education."

Mania for Sport

French-born author and Sufi Muslim, Rene Guenon (1886-1951) sums up the "Anglo-Saxon mania for sport" that reaches a fever pitch every year with the Superbowl celebrations.

"There is no longer any place for intelligence, or anything else that is purely inward, for these are things that can neither be seen nor touched, that can neither be counted nor weighed; there is only place for outward action in all its forms, even those that are the most completely meaningless. For this reason it should not be a matter of surprise that the Anglo-Saxon mania for sport gains ground day by day: the ideal of the modern world is the 'human animal' who has developed his muscular strength to the highest pitch; its heroes are athletes, even though they be mere brutes; it is they who awaken popular enthusiasm, and it is their exploits that command the passionate interest of the crowd. A world in which such things are seen has indeed sunk low and seems near its end." (Crisis of the Modern World)

Words of prophecy? To borrow the mantra from Fox News, "We report. You decide."

What "Globalization" Really Means

For those who are fans of George Orwell's novel 1984 -- the term "corporate merger" is classic Orwellian double-speak. A "merger" is nothing more than a take-over of the many, i.e. the small fish, by the few, i.e., the big fish.

That brings us to the phenomenon of "globalization." Former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada -- and a Canadian institution in his own right -- Paul Hellyer, in his book "The Evil Empire: Globalization's Darker Side" (1997; available in your public library) addresses one of the great elephants in the living room of our society, i.e., the true agenda behind what mainstream media and education so innocuously refer to as "globalization." Mr. Hellyer characterizes the phenomenon in the preface to his book,

"Globalization is simply a code word to camouflage what is really going on. Globalization is not about trade, as its promoters would like us to believe, it is about power and control. It is an attempt by the largest international banks and multinational corporations to run the world their way, for their own benefit and by their own set of rules, rules that would allow them to undo a century of social progress and to alter the distribution of income from inequitable to inhuman. In fact the empire they plan would be an evil empire in the truest sense. It would be an empire where individual countries, especially the small ones, would lose the flexibility to pass good and humane laws in the interests of all the people. Gold would be the absolute monarch and goodness a mark of disloyalty. This evil empire is not a figment of the imagination. Plans are well advanced and it will become a reality unless we take immediate steps to stop it."

Royal Bush Dynasty

Reality, it seems, is something buried alive on a daily basis by mainstream media. It appears I will go to any length to dig up bits and pieces of it for my readers. Case in point: here's a Washington Times piece dated July 6, 1988 -- far more relevant today than it was back then. The article was entitled "Bush Related to Europe's Royal Blood", and reads as follows,

"Vice-President George Bush is a distant cousin of Queen Elizabeth II and has blood ties with every other European royal family on or off the throne, according to the publishing director of a blueblood directory ... Harold Brooks-Baker, an American who has made a name for himself analyzing royal lineages, especially where they link up with the White House.

"Without a shadow of a doubt, Vice-President George Bush is connected to more imperial, royal, and noble houses than any previous president."

This week [Mr. Brooks-Baker] released a copy of Mr. Bush's family tree traced by his directory, Burke's Peerage, back to the 1400's. It says that Mr. Bush is a long-lost relative -- 13th cousin twice removed -- of Britain's current monarch, and is a direct descendant of King Henry VII, of one of Charles II's mistresses and of Henry VIII's younger sister, Mary, who married King Louis XII of France ...

Mr. Brook Baker said that while very few Americans are descendants of European monarchy, "An unbelievably high proportion of American presidents are connected to the 'Blood Royal.

Mr. Bush is without doubt connected to more great royal families than any reigning head of state today except His Serene Highness Prince Franz Josef of Liechtenstein. The vice-president also is related to 21 of Britain's 26 dukes, he said.

Funny how this information hasn't come up once in mainstream news or education the past 20 years.

Microwaves and You

The following is a summary of a report by BBC News on findings pertaining to microwave ovens and health.

"Microwave ovens may be to blame for kick-starting the obesity epidemic in the USA, the UK, and Australia. Professor Jane Wardle, professor of clinical psychology at University College, London, says that obesity rates started to rise soon after 1984 -- around the time of the rapid spread in microwave oven ownership. The mid-1980s also saw the first ready-made meals appearing in shops.

In 1980, 8% of women and 6% of men were classified as obese. By 2004, this percentage had increased to more than a quarter of all women and men.

Children are also suffering from increased levels of obesity, with 16% of those aged 2-15 classed as obese in 2003 compared with 10-12% in 1995.

Professor Wardle said "I looked at the figures showing rates of obesity in the population over many years and it seemed very clear it began between 1984 and 1987. So then we looked at what changes were going on in the food activity world at that time , and one of the striking changes was there were differences in the speed with which we could prepare a meal as a consequence of the introduction of microwave ovens.

Black History?

French author Voltaire (1694-1778) once said, "History is the lie commonly agreed upon." Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, speaking on Bill Maher's Real Time, exposed the "lie commonly agreed upon" that real agenda for the American Civil War was really the freeing of black slaves. The true agenda, to paraphrase his words, was to create a much larger federal govennment, i.e., in other words the subversion of the US constitution. Mr. Paul asked Mr. Maher if he had ever read Abraham Lincoln's true views on the subject of slavery. Here is a sampling of the views he was referring to.

Abraham Lincoln's Own Words on Slavery

"Free them, and make them politically and socially, our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this; and if mine would, we well know that those of the great mass of white people will not."

"There is no right, and ought to be no inclination in the people of the free States to enter into the slave States, and interfere with the question of slavery at all."

"Judge Douglas, and whoever like him teaches that the negro has no share, humble though it may be, in the Declaration of Independence, is going back to the era of our liberty and independence."

"It is nothing but a miserable perversion of what I have said, to assume that I have declared Missouri, or any other slave State shall emancipate her slaves. I have proposed no such thing."

"It does not follow that social and political equality between whites and blacks, must be incorporated, because slavery must not."

"I say that we must not interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists, because the constitution forbids it, and the general welfare does not require us to do so."

"My paramount object in this struggle, is to save the Union and it not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it..."

"I have no purpose directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."



Inflation is a hidden tax. The nature and cause of inflation are addressed by Paul Hellyer in the above-mentioned book "The Evil Empire." But the pernicious effect of inflation on the average taxpayer are best summed up by a quote from author/historian G. Edward Griffin (The Creature from Jekyll Island").

"Inflation has now been institutionalized at a fairly constant 5% per year. This has been determined to be the optimum level for generating the most revenue without causing public alarm. A 5% devaluation applies, not only to the money earned this year, but to all that is left over from previous years. At the end of the first year, a dollar is worth 95 cents. At the end of the second year, the 95 cents is reduced again by 5%, leaving its worth at 90 cents, and so on. By the time a person has worked 20 years, the government will have confiscated 64% of every dollar he saved over those years. By the time he has worked 45 years, the hidden tax will be 90%. The government will take virtually everything a person saves over a lifetime."

On Education in General

All "education" institutions in our society are designed to turn students into employees. Ever wonder whether the entire education system is run by the employers? Social critic George Carlin recently referred to the education system as the churning out of "obedient workers."

As we humans are made in the image of their Creator -- we are creative beings. Sir Ken Robinson (recently knighted by the Queen of England) addresses the fundamental problem of education systems the world over, and how to fix it:

"Kids will take a chance: if kids don’t know, they have a go, am I right?
They’re not frightened of being wrong. I don’t mean to say that being wrong is the same thing as being creative. What I’m saying is, if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original. By the time we get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity: they have become frightened of being wrong.
We run our companies like this, by the way. We stigmatize mistakes. We’re now running national education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. The result is, we are educating people out of their creative capacities. Picasso said 'All children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up.' I believe this passionately: that we don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it, or rather, we get educated out of it."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"If only we had journalists in the world on any kind of scale, the official stories would be demolished time and time again. Instead they're repeated to the mass of the people who have no other access to information."

David Icke

Monday, February 11, 2008

Money Problems?

"Money doesn't grow on trees!" (My father)

Where does money come from? Paul Hellyer, as one of the most senior politicians in Canadian political history, decided to ask the most educated and highly esteemed politicians, businessmen, publishers, lawyers, doctors, etc. in the land the question: Where does money come from?

No one knew.

Mr. Hellyer wrote a book about it: "Funny Money: A Common Sense Alternative to Mainline Economics." (1994) It's available in your local library.

The interested reader is warned: the truth, so it's been said, will set you free -- but first it will make you violently ill. Regarding the money system, Henry Ford, the great American industrialist, had the following to say, "If the people of the nation understood our banking and monetary system, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

In his book "The Evil Empire: Globalizations Darker Side" (also available in your local library), Paul Hellyer unleashes one of the biggest secrets of our society:

"Banks are unique amongst commercial institutions in that they are the only corporations with licenses to print money." (Chapter 6)

The word "license" means permission. Who grants the banks permission to print money? (NB. the word "print" really should be interpreted "create" -- but, more on the actual mechanics of money creation in a later section) Answer: the federal government. As Paul Hellyer continues (still Chapter 6)

"The patent for the creation of money is owned by the federal Parliament on behalf of the Canadian people."

We should allow Paul Hellyer to continue,

"... for reasons that have much more to do with historical precedent than any kind of logic, Parliament has licensed its patent to the commercial banks. The licenses are called bank charters issued under the authority of the Bank Act. The charters are renewed each time the Bank Act is renewed -- usually about every five years."

Just so we're clear thus far, a "chartered bank" -- like RBC, ScotiaBank, or TD -- is a bank that has been issued a license by the federal government to create money.

So, why would our federal government grant private corporations licenses to create money? To provide the ostensible, 'historical' reason Paul Hellyer explains, "To the extent that there is any logic in allowing banks to create money, it is that they will ration the money more wisely than government would. Their branch managers have been well positioned to get to know the farmers, business people, and small entrepreneurs in need of financial assistance and to determine their creditworthiness."

Paul Hellyer, goes on, however to explain how the "public trust" aspect of the banks' charters have been completely subverted. How so?

"It began making less sense [to allow banks to create money] when banks got tired of the work involved in servicing their small customers, the ones who create the jobs, and turned their attention to wholesale large-loan banking -- including buyouts which resulted in bidding up the price of assets (causing inflation) and then the elimination of redundant personel (adding to unemployment)."

Inflation and Unemployment

Here we should pause to reflect on the two effects of large-loan banking mentioned by Mr. Hellyer, namely inflation and unemployment. All the while, we should remember that the practice of large-loan banking constitutes the principal betrayal on the part of the banks of the trust implicit in the granting of their charters by the federal government.

Inflation is a hidden tax. Inflation is the direct result of large-loan banking because such loans involve the creation of massive amounts of new money (cf. the section on the mechanics of money creation: all money is created as 'debt') which dilutes (i.e. debases) the existing money supply, thus driving up prices.

Inflation diminishes the value of money savings at an astounding rate and thus ensures that most of us in our lifetimes will be excluded from the prospect of owning our own business (thus we have to work for money all our lives rather than having
money work for us), and makes retirement a dream rather than a reality for many of us. On the subject of inflation, G. Edward Griffin, historian and author of "The Creature From Jekyll Island" puts it succinctly, "Inflation has now been institutionalized at a fairly constant 5% per year. This has been determined to be the optimum level for generating the most revenue without causing public alarm. A 5% devaluation applies, not only to the money earned this year, but to all that is left over from previous years. At the end of the first year, a dollar is worth 95 cents. At the end of the second year, the 95 cents is reduced again by 5%, leaving its worth at 90 cents, and so on. By the time a person has worked 20 years, the government will have confiscated 64% of every dollar he saved over those years. By the time he has worked 45 years, the hidden tax will be 90%. The government will take virtually everything a person saves over a lifetime.".

The second result of large-loan banking is the exacerbation of the phenomenon of unemployment. As stated by Paul Hellyer, the phenomenon of "buyouts" or corporate "mergers" -- which only began when the practice of large-loan banking became common practice -- results in the reduction of redundant personnel, i.e. unemployment.

For those who are fans of George Orwell's novel 1984 -- the term "merger" is classic Orwellian double-speak, for a "merger" is nothing more than a take-over of the many, i.e. the small fish, by the few, i.e., the big fish. So, not only does large-loan banking exacerbate unemployment, but it serves also to concentrate power and resources in the hands of fewer and fewer people.


That brings us to the phenomenon of "globalization." The corporate "merger" is a major force behind the phenomenon innocuously referred to by mainstream media and education as "globalization". "Globalization" (another classic term of Orwellian double-speak) is nothing less than the concentration of power, wealth, resources, of the world in the hands of fewer and fewer people -- i.e. the creation of transnational corporations that control all of the world's resources.

A critique of globalization forms the crux of Paul Hellyer's work "The Evil Empire". He characterizes the phenomenon in the preface to his book,

"Globalization is simply a code word to camouflage what is really going on. Globalization is not about trade, as its promoters would like us to believe, it is about power and control. It is an attempt by the largest international banks and multinational corporations to run the world their way, for their own benefit and by their own set of rules, rules that would allow them to undo a century of social progress and to alter the distribution of income from inequitable to inhuman. In fact the empire they plan would be an evil empire in the truest sense. It would be an empire where individual countries, especially the small ones, would lose the flexibility to pass good and humane laws in the interests of all the people. Gold would be the absolute monarch and goodness a mark of disloyalty. This evil empire is not a figment of the imagination. Plans are well advanced and it will become a reality unless we take immediate steps to stop it."

No Royalties

No owner of a patent will allow use of his product unless he or she collects hefty royalties on the patent's use. In fact, that is the whole idea behind acquiring a patent in the first place!

No sane individual would simply give away what Paul Hellyer rightfully refers to as "... the most lucrative of all monetary windfalls ...", i.e. the money-creation patent, for free. Add to this that, even more so than the average patent holder governments the world over -- including our own -- are racked with massive, insurmountable debt that each generation inherits from the previous. In addition, mainstream media is filled with stories of how there is no money for social programs and spending cuts constantly have to be made -- all the while taxes are increased little by little (where I live in Brampton, property taxes were increased this year by 100$). The Fraser Institute reports that all taxes municipal to federal amount to 50% of everybody's paycheck (i.e. if you really want to know how much you make, divide your hourly salary by 2).

So, what hefty royalties does our own federal government charge the chartered bank for use of the money-creation patent, which, again, Paul Hellyer calls "... the most lucrative of all money windfalls ..."?

Zero dollars and zero cents.

If that number didn't make you physically ill, the following is bound to. In the words of Paul Hellyer, "The federal government, rather than use its own most valuable asset -- the patent on money-creation -- pays handsomely for the periodic use of the licenses it has issued and lines up meekly at the banks like a sheep at the shearers."

If that doesn't convince you that "governments" -- including our own -- are nothing more than front groups for the money creators that wield all the power in our society then nothing will.

The Mechanics of Money Creation

For those of you who are still with me, I will now explain exactly how all money gets created in our society. Paul Hellyer also, in chapter 4 of "The Evil Empire" succinctly explains the mechanics of money creation.

"A builder needs to borrow $150,000 to build a house. Once sufficient collateral has been agreed upon with the bank, a note will be signed and, presto, $150,000 is put in the builder's account. The important point is that just minutes earlier the $150,000 didn't exist. It was created out of thin air based on nothing more than a small capital reserve required by the Bank Act."

But, that's not all, Paul Hellyer continues,

"The money is then used to pay the people who dig clay from a pit and make bricks, the bricklayers who lay the bricks, the woodsmen who cut tres to make lumber, the carpenters who use it to build the frame, the miners who extract the metals for the hardware and the manufacturers who turn out the plumbing, wiring, and fixtures. But when they are all finished it is the bank which owns the house."


I will conclude with an insightful and revealing statement by Sir Josiah Stamp (1880-1941), Director of Bank of England,

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. As a result, the Bankers own the earth.

Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again.

Take this great power away from the bankers and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in.

But if you want to continue as slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them create (your) money and to control credit (and lives)

- Sir Josiah Stamp, Director and President of the Bank of England during the 1920's.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Tom Tom Club, Wordy Rappinghood

Words can't say what they mean.
Words don't mean what they say.

Tom Tom Club, Wordy Rappinghood

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Ovid, Metamorphoses

"Time glides in secret and his wings deceive.
Nothing is swifter than the years."

Ovid, Metamorphoses, X 416-17

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Manly P. Hall

When certain areas of the brain are stimulated by secret processes of the Mysteries, the consciousness of man is extended and he is permitted to behold the Immortals and enter into the presence of superior gods.
