"I hope that posterity will judge me kindly, not only as to the things which I have explained, but also to those which I have intentionally omitted so as to leave to others the pleasure of discovery."
-René Descartes
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Obadiah S. Harris
I ask you, where are the Bacons, the Descartes, the Liebnitz’s of today? Are they in our ranks?
Obadiah S. Harris, Ph.D., President PRS.org
Obadiah S. Harris, Ph.D., President PRS.org
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Summary of Ideas on Education
The Platonic discipline was founded upon the theory that learning is really reminiscence, or the bringing into objectivity of knowledge formerly acquired by the soul in a previous state of existence.
[Socrates] held that the soul existed before the body and, prior to immersion therein, was endowed with all knowledge; that when the soul entered into the material form it became stupefied, but that by discourses upon sensible objects it was caused to reawaken and to recover its original knowledge. On these premises was based his attempt to stimulate the soul-power through irony and inductive reasoning.
From Manly P Hall, Secret Teachings
[Socrates] held that the soul existed before the body and, prior to immersion therein, was endowed with all knowledge; that when the soul entered into the material form it became stupefied, but that by discourses upon sensible objects it was caused to reawaken and to recover its original knowledge. On these premises was based his attempt to stimulate the soul-power through irony and inductive reasoning.
From Manly P Hall, Secret Teachings
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Analogous to Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation is Coulomb's Universal Law of Electrostatic Attraction. However, neither of these universal laws allows us to describe the motion of a body or bodies, i.e. it does not relate the change in motion to forces involved, but rather simply allows us to calculate the force based on the masses involved and the square of the distance between their centers.
Earth's Radius and Mass
Equatorial radius: a
The Earth's equatorial radius, or semi-major axis, is the distance from its center to the equator and equals 6,378.137 km (≈3,963.191 mi; ≈3,443.918 nmi). At [show location on an interactive map] 0° S 121.83° E, the geoid height rises to 63.42 m above the reference ellipsoid (WGS-84), giving a total radius of 6,378.200 km. The equatorial radius is often used to compare Earth with other planets.
[edit] Polar radius: b
The Earth's polar radius, or semi-minor axis, is the distance from its center to the North and South Poles, and equals 6,356.7523 km (≈3,949.903 mi; ≈3,432.372 nmi). The geoid height (WGS-84) at the North Pole is 13.6 m above the reference ellipsoid, and at the South Pole 29.5 m below the reference, giving the more exact 6,356.766 km and 6,356.723 km, respectively.
From Wikipedia
Earth's Mass
The Earth's equatorial radius, or semi-major axis, is the distance from its center to the equator and equals 6,378.137 km (≈3,963.191 mi; ≈3,443.918 nmi). At [show location on an interactive map] 0° S 121.83° E, the geoid height rises to 63.42 m above the reference ellipsoid (WGS-84), giving a total radius of 6,378.200 km. The equatorial radius is often used to compare Earth with other planets.
[edit] Polar radius: b
The Earth's polar radius, or semi-minor axis, is the distance from its center to the North and South Poles, and equals 6,356.7523 km (≈3,949.903 mi; ≈3,432.372 nmi). The geoid height (WGS-84) at the North Pole is 13.6 m above the reference ellipsoid, and at the South Pole 29.5 m below the reference, giving the more exact 6,356.766 km and 6,356.723 km, respectively.
From Wikipedia
Earth's Mass
Bibliographic Entry | Result (w/surrounding text) | Standardized Result |
Beichner, Robert J., John W. Jewett, and Raymond A. Serway. Physics For Scientists and Engineers. New York: Saunders College, 2000. | "Body: Earth, Mass (kg): 5.98 × 1024 kg" | 5.98 × 1024 kg |
"Earth." The World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 6. Chiacago: World Book Inc., 2001. | "Mass: 6,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 (6.6 sextillion) short tons (6.0 sextillion metric tons)." | 6.0 × 1024 kg |
Smith, Peter J. The Earth. New York: Macmillan Company, 1986. | "The Solar System is dominated by the Sun, which has a mass of about 2 × 1030 kg. This is about 343,000 times the mass of the Earth." | 5.83 × 1024 kg |
Larouse. Astronomy. New York: Facts on File Publications, 1981. | "The calculation shows that it is very close to 6.1024 kilograms (6,000 billion billion tons)." | 6.0 × 1024 kg |
Discussing Newton's Laws
Newton's First Law of Motion is, in my opinion, a reiteration of his definition of "inherent force" -- which was the discovery of Galileo. Law 2 of Motion relates precisely Newton's definition of "impressed force" to the change in motion that it causes -- namely that the change in motion is directly related to the impressed force. This is a highly simple relationship -- thankfully. We note that when Newton speaks of change in "motion" in his laws, he is referring to quantity of motion, which he states in his second definition is the product of both the mass and velocity of a body. Newton's principles seem to me to be "meta-mechanical", which is perhaps why the ancients placed so much emphasis on the study of mechanics in understanding nature. In other words, we may substitute the more general notion of any state of being on the physical plane for the notion of a "body" -- and say that any state of being has its own inertia -- the second law then states that any change in a state of being requires a force in order to manifest a change in its state, and that the degree of change in state is directly proportional to the force applied.
Newton's three laws of motion are ethereal in their simplicity -- they form a "constitution" upon which the "country" of science may be built.
Newton's three laws of motion are ethereal in their simplicity -- they form a "constitution" upon which the "country" of science may be built.
From my physics textbook
For the most part, the direction of motion of a particle (given by the velocity) does not coincide with the direction of acceleration.
From my physics textbook
From my physics textbook
Random Thoughts
Humans conform as easily as they breath. And conformity takes place at an equally unconscious level. And humans value conformity above life itself. Just as our central nervous system has nothing to do with the regulation of our breathing; so it has nothing to do with our ability to conform (adopt the behaviors, desires, opinions, thoughts, and values of others).
Humans like to be different only insofar as they are appreciated. Once that appreciation ceases, the desire to be different is greatly decreased. That is why, the safest form of "difference" is performance, where we retain all the benefits of conformity, while at the same time expressing our individuality. Competition is a form of conformity, where every individual accepts the values of the others.
An important part of Gnostic theology is the doctrine of the fall of man. Now, this is a bit of a misnomer, because it wasn't man who fell, but man's spirit that descended into matter -- so the doctrine goes. If one accepts the notion that man is a spiritual being, at least in part, then one must logically accept that this physical world is not his home! It is esoteric Qabbalism -- the "received" doctrine of the ancient sacerodotal class -- that man's physical being is sustained by his ethereal body, which extends beyond his epidermal "clothing".
This physical world is not a world of "illusion", but rather a world of shadows, as Plato rightly stated. Every object of physical manifestation is the result of, or, is symbolic of, the projected forces and powers by which it was produced.
And every metaphysician should study physics (and every physicist should study metaphysics). Why? Because Nature, herself, is an occultist -- she clothes her doctrines in physical manifestation. Every star is the garb of gravitational and quantum forces. Life itself is the garment of forces that Nature has no inclination to reveal and that science has only specious knowledge. Nature does not reveal "the thing as it is", but only the shadow of itself. Science unveils, but by doing so, reveals that the essence of all physical manifestation is metaphysical. The power of science is to look beyond physical manifestation to see the "occult" powers operating in nature. The power of science is that it looks beyond the physical. Hermetic priests knew that the "transitory", i.e. the world of physical manifestation, is not reality, but rather the "effect" of reality -- the cause of all effects were called "gods", but the hermetists knew that these "gods" were natural forces or principles.
Once man realizes that the essence of his being is also non-physical -- and that the energy that resides within him is the same as the energy that resides within the stars -- he will realize that the stars themselves are beings, and that the entire universe, not just the planet Earth, is his home. God has bestowed blessings on us all, but these blessings ceased to be felt with the fall of man -- that is to say, the "amnesiacal" descent of spirit into matter. Once man looks at himself in the mirror and takes his physical body for himself, he commits the same error as Narcissus, and, like the latter, drowns in an ocean of matter.
Humans like to be different only insofar as they are appreciated. Once that appreciation ceases, the desire to be different is greatly decreased. That is why, the safest form of "difference" is performance, where we retain all the benefits of conformity, while at the same time expressing our individuality. Competition is a form of conformity, where every individual accepts the values of the others.
An important part of Gnostic theology is the doctrine of the fall of man. Now, this is a bit of a misnomer, because it wasn't man who fell, but man's spirit that descended into matter -- so the doctrine goes. If one accepts the notion that man is a spiritual being, at least in part, then one must logically accept that this physical world is not his home! It is esoteric Qabbalism -- the "received" doctrine of the ancient sacerodotal class -- that man's physical being is sustained by his ethereal body, which extends beyond his epidermal "clothing".
This physical world is not a world of "illusion", but rather a world of shadows, as Plato rightly stated. Every object of physical manifestation is the result of, or, is symbolic of, the projected forces and powers by which it was produced.
And every metaphysician should study physics (and every physicist should study metaphysics). Why? Because Nature, herself, is an occultist -- she clothes her doctrines in physical manifestation. Every star is the garb of gravitational and quantum forces. Life itself is the garment of forces that Nature has no inclination to reveal and that science has only specious knowledge. Nature does not reveal "the thing as it is", but only the shadow of itself. Science unveils, but by doing so, reveals that the essence of all physical manifestation is metaphysical. The power of science is to look beyond physical manifestation to see the "occult" powers operating in nature. The power of science is that it looks beyond the physical. Hermetic priests knew that the "transitory", i.e. the world of physical manifestation, is not reality, but rather the "effect" of reality -- the cause of all effects were called "gods", but the hermetists knew that these "gods" were natural forces or principles.
Once man realizes that the essence of his being is also non-physical -- and that the energy that resides within him is the same as the energy that resides within the stars -- he will realize that the stars themselves are beings, and that the entire universe, not just the planet Earth, is his home. God has bestowed blessings on us all, but these blessings ceased to be felt with the fall of man -- that is to say, the "amnesiacal" descent of spirit into matter. Once man looks at himself in the mirror and takes his physical body for himself, he commits the same error as Narcissus, and, like the latter, drowns in an ocean of matter.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Occult Significance of 9/11
The sixteenth numbered major trump is called Le Feu du Ciel, the Fire of Heaven, and portrays a tower the battlements of which, in the form of a crown, are being destroyed by a bolt of lightning issuing from the sun. The crown, being considerably smaller than the tower which it surmounts, possibly indicates that its destruction resulted from its insufficiency. The lighting bolt sometimes takes the form of the zodiacal sign of Scorpio, and the tower may be considered a phallic emblem. Two figures are failing from the tower, one in front and the other behind. This Tarot card is popularly associated with the traditional fall of man. The divine nature of humanity is depicted as a tower. When his crown is destroyed, man falls into the lower world and takes upon himself the illusion of materiality. Here also is a key to the mystery of sex. The tower is supposedly filled with gold coins which, showering out in great numbers from the rent made by the lightning bolt, suggesting potential powers. In the pseudo-Egyptian Tarot the tower is a pyramid, its apex shattered by a lightning bolt. Here is a reference to the missing capstone of the Universal House. In support of Levi's contention that this card is connected with the Hebrew letter Ayin, the failing figure in the foreground is similar in general appearance to the sixteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Manly P. Halll
Manly P. Halll
Different Types of Forces
Contact Forces
Air Resistance Force
Applied Force
Spring Force
Frictional Force
Tension Force
Normal Force
Action-at-a-Distance Forces
Gravitational Force
Electrical Force
Magnetic Force
Air Resistance Force
Applied Force
Spring Force
Frictional Force
Tension Force
Normal Force
Action-at-a-Distance Forces
Gravitational Force
Electrical Force
Magnetic Force
Monday, August 04, 2008
Aspden on Second Law
... by Newton's Second Law of Motion, the change of momentum of a particle is proportional to the impressed force and takes place in the direction in which that force is acting.
Newton (N) – the unit
A "Newton" is the force required to change the motion of a one kilogram mass by one meter per second every second.
Newton (N) – the unit
The newton is the common unit used for measuring force. It was named in memory of Isaac Newton (1642-1727) who did much to clarify our understanding of forces and motion. Most students and adults have no understanding of the size of a force of one newton (1 N). It is similar to the force needed to support the weight of one apple.
Newton (N) – the unit
The newton is the common unit used for measuring force. It was named in memory of Isaac Newton (1642-1727) who did much to clarify our understanding of forces and motion. Most students and adults have no understanding of the size of a force of one newton (1 N). It is similar to the force needed to support the weight of one apple.
Francis Thompson
All things
by immortal power
near or far
to each other
hiddenly linked are.
That thou cans't not stir a flower
without troubling a star.
Francis Thompson
by immortal power
near or far
to each other
hiddenly linked are.
That thou cans't not stir a flower
without troubling a star.
Francis Thompson
Newton's Second Law of Motion
A change in motion is proportional to the motive force impressed and takes place along the straight line in which that force is impressed.
acceleration = change in motion = a
force = f
mass = m
a = f/m
acceleration = change in motion = a
force = f
mass = m
a = f/m
Newton and Euclid
Newton's First Law of Motion
Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.
Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by forces impressed.
Euclid's First Two Postulates
To draw a straight line from any point to any point.
(A straight line may be drawn from any point to any point.)
To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line.
(A straight line may be extended continuously in a straight line.)
Note: Let us recall what Coxeter said about Euclid's Elements -- essentially that they are a physics text!
Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.
Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by forces impressed.
Euclid's First Two Postulates
To draw a straight line from any point to any point.
(A straight line may be drawn from any point to any point.)
To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line.
(A straight line may be extended continuously in a straight line.)
Note: Let us recall what Coxeter said about Euclid's Elements -- essentially that they are a physics text!
Now, we will have none of that nonsense in our tutorials, because we will hold firm in taking that word 'aether' as being that something which is non-material but fills all the interstices of space not occupied by matter. We will use 'aether', rather than 'ether', because 'ether' has a different meaning in chemistry and we do not wish to confuse the terminology.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
What's Aspden After?
"Our sights are on that 'energy' theme and the fundamental question of whether we can ever ourselves mimic Nature by tapping into that sea of energy from which Nature created the protons and electrons that form the matter we see as the universe."
Manly P Hall
As within the nature of man is reflected the entire universe in miniature, so in each grain of sand, each drop of water, each tiny particle of cosmic dust, are concealed all the parts and elements of cosmos in the form of tiny seed germs so minute that even the most powerful microscope cannot detect them. Trillions of times smaller than the ion or electron, these seeds--unrecognizable and incomprehensible--await the time assigned them for growth and expression. (Consider the monads of Leibnitz.)
H Aspden
The Law of Conservation of Energy is often referred to as the Principle of Energy Conservation and otherwise as the First Law of Thermodynamics. It is so firmly established that it has triple foothold in governing how we build our picture of the scientific world. We shall not question its authenticity. Indeed, all you need to accept is that one cannot take energy from nowhere and apply it to our needs, nor, indeed, can Nature create matter out of nothing, given that Nature is governed by her own laws.
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