Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Other Books of Interest
The Chakra Handbook by Shalila Sharamon and Bodo J. Baginski
The Chakras by C.W. Leadbeater
Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith
Kabbalah Unveiled, Macregor-Mathers
I will answer the last question first. At the present time a powerful wave of occult thought is spreading through society; thinking men are beginning to awake to the fact that "there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in their philosophy;" and, last but not least, it is now felt that the Bible, which has been probably more misconstrued than any other book ever written, contains numberless obscure and mysterious passages which are utterly unintelligible without some key wherewith to unlock their meaning. THAT KEY IS GIVEN IN THE QABALAH. Therefore this work should be of interest to every biblical and theological student. Let every Christian ask himself this question: "How can I think to understand the Old Testament if I be ignorant of the construction put upon it by that nation whose sacred book it formed; and if I know not the meaning of the Old Testament, how can I expect to understand the New?" Were the real and sublime philosophy of the Bible better known, there would be fewer fanatics and sectarians.
The Kabbalah, Franck and Sossnitz
The Kabbalah, Franck and Sossnitz
Books I'm Interested in Today
Principles of Light and Color, Babbit
Francis Bacon Wrote Shakespeare, Crouch
Bacon is Shakespeare, Durning-Lawrence
The Shakespeare Myth, Durning-Lawrence
Francis Bacon and Phantom Captain Shakespeare, Wigston
The Kabbalah, Franck
The Kabbalah, Ginsburg
Kabbalah Unveiled, MacGregor Mathers
An Introduction to the Study of the Kabbalah, Westcott
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Judith, Wheels of Life
A Judith, Wheels of Life
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A. Judith, Wheels of Life
A. Judith, Wheels of Life
Matthew 6:22
Matthew 6:22
Anodea Judity, Wheels of Life
Make yourself comfortable, for the journey is not short. It could take months, years, or lifetimes, but you have already chosen to go. You began long, long ago.
Anodea Judith, Wheels of Life
Monday, September 22, 2008
Layne Redmond
Resistance and testing are necessary parts of spiritual evolution. Good cannot exist without evil, and evil cannot exist without good. And the only place where success comes before sweat is in the dictionary. Both these positive and negative forces are necessary to provide balance in the complex equation of life. If you deny or remove all negative forces, then good would cease to exist. You cannot have light without shadow.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled
What Egypt taught to others she certainly did not acquire by the international exchange of ideas and discoveries with her Semitic neighbors, nor from them did she receive her stimulus. "The more we learn of the Egyptians," observes the writer of a recent article, "the more marvellous they seem!" From whom could she have learned her wondrous arts, the secrets of which died with her? She sent no agents throughout the world to learn what others knew; but to her the wise men of neighboring nations resorted for knowledge. Proudly secluding herself within her enchanted domain, the fair queen of the desert created wonders as if by the sway of a magic staff. "Nothing," remarks the same writer, whom we have elsewhere quoted, "proves that civilization and knowledge then rise and progress with her as in the case of other peoples, but everything seems to be referable, in the same perfection, to the earliest dates. That no nation knew as much as herself, is a fact demonstrated by history."
May we not assign as a reason for this remark the fact that until very recently nothing was known of Old India? That these two nations, India and Egypt, were akin? That they were the oldest in the group of nations; and that the Eastern Ethiopians -- the mighty builders -- had come from India as a matured people, bringing their civilization with them, and colonizing the perhaps unoccupied Egyptian territory? But we defer a more complete elaboration of this theme for our second volume.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thomas Carlyle
- Thomas Carlyle, historian and essayist (1795-1881)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Morris Kline, Mathematics and Western Civilization
Morris Kline, Mathematics and Western Civilization
Manly P Hall on Chakras
The Rosicrucians used a garland of roses to signify the same spiritual vortices, which are referred to in the Bible as the seven lamps of the candlestick and the seven churches of Asia. In the 1642 edition of Sir Francis Bacon's History of Henry the Seventh is a frontispiece showing Lord Bacon with Rosicrucian roses for shoe buckles.
from Secret Teachings
Definition of Maya
the power to produce illusions, in Hindu philosophy -- MAYAN
Scrabble dictionary
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Etienne de la Boetie, Discourse on Voluntary Servitude
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
a. 1. Once and a half times as great as another; having the ratio of one and a half to one.
Sesquialteral ratio
(Math.) the ratio of one and a half to one; thus, 9 and 6 are in a sesquialteral ratio.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Manly P Hall
"Pythagoras' teachings are of the most transcendental importance to Masons, inasmuch as they are the necessary fruit of his contact with the leading philosophers of the whole civilized world of his own day, and must represent that in which all were agreed, shorn of all weeds of controversy. Thus, the determined stand made by Pythagoras, in defense of pure monotheism, is sufficient evidence that the tradition to the effect that the unity of God was the supreme secret of all the ancient initiations is substantially correct. The philosophical school of Pythagoras was, in a measure, also a series of initiations, for he caused his pupils to pass through a series of degrees and never permitted them personal contact with himself until they had reached the higher grades. According to his biographers, his degrees were three in number. The first, that of 'Mathematicus,' assuring his pupils proficiency in mathematics and geometry, which was then, as it would be now if Masonry were properly inculcated, the basis upon which all other knowledge was erected. Secondly, the degree of 'Theoreticus,' which dealt with superficial applications of the exact sciences, and, lastly, the degree of 'Electus,' which entitled the candidate to pass forward into the light of the fullest illumination which he was capable of absorbing. The pupils of the Pythagorean school were divided into 'exoterici,' or pupils in the outer grades, and 'esoterici,' after they had passed the third degree of initiation and were entitled to the secret wisdom. Silence, secrecy and unconditional obedience were cardinal principles of this great order." (See Ancient Freemasonry.)