Body, as a gross vehicle.
Vitality, or Prana.
Astral Body, or Linga Sarira.
Astral Soul, or Kama Rupa.
Human Soul, or Manas.
Spiritual Soul, or Buddhi.
Incidentally, Blavatsky and Hall talk about a lower quaternary and an upper triad in the being called "Man", i.e., the human. The former is the "animal man", subject to mortality and reincarnation, the latter is the spiritual man, immortal. The "animal man" is planetary -- the spiritual man is solar. There are, I believe three higher aspects to ourselves than these because we are not from the solar system but we fell into it from a higher plane of existence.
The following are "essential reading:"
Sinnet's "Esoteric Buddhism"
Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine," "Key to Theosophy," "Isis Unveiled."
There are two aspects of consciousness -- stasis (equilibrium, stability) on the one hand, and change (disequilibrium, instability) on the other hand. The former is called "Memory" and the latter is called "Imagination". These two aspects are universal -- macrocosmic and microcosmic. Included in the memory aspect of the microcosm (man) is instinct -- the impulse towards "sameness".
In a Seinfeld episode, George tells this to Jerry in Monk's Cafe, who convinces him that “if every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right”. This is kind of what it takes to finally become illuminated.
Very interesting book on the astral light.
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