The last note I made during my previous channeling session of "paying off karmic debt" was about the necessity of eliminating the weight (the "lead) on my heart. The "weight" is some type of obstruction.
As soon as I began this new session I became acutely aware of this weight, which I experienced as a great pain. I didn't want to continue the session as I experienced this, but I decided to press on. I started to identify with my heart, writing that "eliminating the weight on my heart is eliminating the weight on me," and that "the pain is at the center of myself."
Then I thought that "mind must comply with heart; mind must agree with heart." I further wrote "I am currently 'out of Eden'" (Eden being the heart). I am in my mind -- quite literally because the heart is within the etheric body, which is within the emotion body, which in turn is in the mind body. I am within a mental structure, within a formative structure, created by my mind. But there is a seed of life within the form. This seed of life is my immortal nature that dwells within my heart. I began to wonder what type of thoughts I need to have in order to comply mentally with my heart. The "I" (the being) is "trapped" within a mental structure. I wrote that abstract thoughts not concrete thoughts were what was most important in getting the mind to comply with the heart. The "stones" in my belly (second and third chakras) are symbolic of my concrete thinking. I wrote that it's necessary to completely shift my life away from concreteness and towards abstraction. "One cannot escape from the mind, one must ascend to mind's highest rung." I concluded that "negative" karma is actually synonymous with "concrete thought" because it's thought based upon illusion. In a way I must end my mental existence, or wake from the illusion of mental existence. I got the sense that my mental existence is actually encroaching on my heart, pushing at it from each direction (like a bully) and attempting to usurp its place. (Compare this with my Jan. 27 blog entry on the nature of the Demiurgus). Then I wrote "Liberation is determined by the quality of thinking."
Then I got to one of the most important realizations of the session, that each incarnation is actually a mental existence. "Mortal existence is mental existence." Further "A mental existence is an incarnation. A mental existence has many desires attached to it. The problem with desire is that it drags the mind down into a pattern of concrete thought. This is a problem because liberation cannot be achieved while thoughts remain concrete, tangible, objective. All life on Earth is an aspect of mental existence ( and desires associated with that existence). The lower self is the mental existence." What's necessary to alleviate the burden on my heart is to eliminate all desire within me for a concrete existence, to think abstract thoughts and not concrete thoughts. "The stones in my belly represent concretion, objectivity." "The Demiurgus is my mental existence, my personal existence." The last note I wrote for the session was that I must "think only abstract thoughts, no more concrete thoughts."
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