Monday, February 07, 2011

Trapped in a Block of Concrete

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: actual, factual
Synonyms: accurate, corporeal, definite, detailed, explicit, material, objective, particular, precise, real, sensible, solid, specific, substantial, tangible
Notes: cement comes from Latin caementum 'chips of stone'; cement is an ingredient of concrete , but is not a synonym; cement should be pronounced suh-MENT
Antonyms: abstract, ideal, immaterial, intangible

Main Entry: concrete
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: hardened
Synonyms: caked, calcified, cemented, compact, compressed, congealed, conglomerated, consolidated, dried, firm, indurate, monolithic, petrified, poured, precast, set, set in stone, solid, solidified, steeled, strong, unyielding
Antonyms: bending, flexible, pliable

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