"A surety is a person who agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligation of another. Furthermore, a surety is also a "security against loss or damage or for the fulfillment of an obligation, the payment of a debt, etc.; a pledge, guaranty, or bond."
Friday, July 24, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Psychopathic Society Part 3
“The Kennedy assassination has demonstrated that most of the major events of world significance are masterfully planned and orchestrated by an elite coterie of enormously powerful people who are not of one nation, one ethnic grouping, or one overridingly important business group. They are a power unto themselves for whom those others work. Neither is this power elite of recent origin. Its roots go deep into the past.”
— L. Fletcher Prouty
— L. Fletcher Prouty
Psychopathic Society Part 2
“Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destory health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality.”
— Michael Ellner
— Michael Ellner
Lisbon Treaty
I don't know much about the Lisbon Treaty, but this clip is an example of the fact that we live in a psychopathic society.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Mass Sterilization in Effect
Global sperm counts have dropped by a third since 1989 and by half in the past 50 years. The rate of decline is only accelerating as more and more couples find it harder to have children. In studies of white European men, the rate of decline is as much as 50 per cent in the last 30 years. In Italy, this equates to a native population reduction of 22 per cent by 2050. Population reduction is already occurring amongst native residents in many areas of Europe and America.
Everything from cellphone signals, to eating soy products, to female hormones entering the water supply from HRT products has been blamed. There’s no doubt that environmental pollution from industry and pharmaceutical products has contributed, but new research has uncovered that additional chemicals known as Antiandrogens are now finding their way into the water supply.
Everything from cellphone signals, to eating soy products, to female hormones entering the water supply from HRT products has been blamed. There’s no doubt that environmental pollution from industry and pharmaceutical products has contributed, but new research has uncovered that additional chemicals known as Antiandrogens are now finding their way into the water supply.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Holy S%&t, Welcome to My Life:
The character Tam in this episode of Star Trek TNG exhibits similar difficulties as I have had all my life.
The character Tam in this episode of Star Trek TNG exhibits similar difficulties as I have had all my life.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 09, 2009
The Light Body
Here is a Link to a story about the Light Body of man. Said body is that around which the material body forms -- in other words, it is the body from which the material body is vitalized or gains its life.
Monday, July 06, 2009
The Global Mystery School
A few sentences on what I believe is the reality of the social system that we live in. The ancient Mystery School tradition -- the so-called university of the soul -- often involved very rigorous entry criteria, tests of body, mind, and spirit that sometimes resulted in physical death of the candidates who failed the tests.
The Mystery School has gone underground since at least the beginning of the Age of Pisces (around the birth of Christ), inaccessible to almost everyone, I suspect that the entire world system has been turned into a Mystery School in which we are all candidates or probators if you will, seeking, unknowingly, entrance into the Mystery School Curriculum.
We're given many, many severe tests -- namely being injected with mercury when we're just babies, being subject to the sham-education in the form of the K-12 curriculum, being further subject to the mind-controlling elements of media, and higher education, being tempted with materialist life-style through advertising, being forced to live a subsistence life-style even in so called developed nations, etc. etc. All this, it appears to me is totally unnecessary, regardless of whether I've presented a convincing argument. We could have a heaven on Earth if the will was there. It's not.
Further, we're taken over more and more by "incorporated" beings ("corporations"), and the "corporatizing" of states is very esoterically symbolic of the fact that we have failed or are failing in our application to the Mystery School curriculum. Said curriculum is about freeing oneself from body, i.e. from the corporate state of being, from the mistaken notion that we are material or physical beings -- we are not. Our physical bodies are not more real than a projected image on a movie screen. The screen in this case being matter, which is molded and shaped by our higher principles. Our brains do not think, they pick up thoughts from our mind which lies outside our bodies, our hearts do not give us life, but merely receive the life-principle from the energy that surrounds us.
The Mystery School has gone underground since at least the beginning of the Age of Pisces (around the birth of Christ), inaccessible to almost everyone, I suspect that the entire world system has been turned into a Mystery School in which we are all candidates or probators if you will, seeking, unknowingly, entrance into the Mystery School Curriculum.
We're given many, many severe tests -- namely being injected with mercury when we're just babies, being subject to the sham-education in the form of the K-12 curriculum, being further subject to the mind-controlling elements of media, and higher education, being tempted with materialist life-style through advertising, being forced to live a subsistence life-style even in so called developed nations, etc. etc. All this, it appears to me is totally unnecessary, regardless of whether I've presented a convincing argument. We could have a heaven on Earth if the will was there. It's not.
Further, we're taken over more and more by "incorporated" beings ("corporations"), and the "corporatizing" of states is very esoterically symbolic of the fact that we have failed or are failing in our application to the Mystery School curriculum. Said curriculum is about freeing oneself from body, i.e. from the corporate state of being, from the mistaken notion that we are material or physical beings -- we are not. Our physical bodies are not more real than a projected image on a movie screen. The screen in this case being matter, which is molded and shaped by our higher principles. Our brains do not think, they pick up thoughts from our mind which lies outside our bodies, our hearts do not give us life, but merely receive the life-principle from the energy that surrounds us.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Mercola on Swine Flue Vaccine
"Swine flu" vaccine may become mandatory, resulting in another mass killing campaign brought to you by your benevolent government. With the total collapse of the US dollar imminent, plus another world war being currently manufactured by the media (for the third time) -- Hell, it appears, be right 'round the corner. 'Luck humanity!
Friday, July 03, 2009
Planned and Perceived Obsolescence
Interesting take on the "system" or "The Leviathan" as Thomas Hobbes referred to western "civilization". Link
How Long is a Year?
According to some, the Earth takes exactly 360 days to make one revolution around the sun and not the 365.25 days that is known as the sidereal year. The reason for the difference lies in the fact that, according to the same some, the Sun has it's own parent star that it revolves around. This revolution, according to John Gordon (Egypt, Child of Atlantis) is 25,920 Earth years long (called the Great Year, or Platonic Year, and known about since antiquity). The shifting of the Sun into a different sign of the zodiac every 2160 years (25,920/12) is explained by modern science by a wobble of the Earth's axis similar to the phenomenon of precession of a spinning top. This extremely complex and highly contrived thesis is unprovable, and no other planet or object in the heavens has been reported to experience the same effect.
The Earth moves around the Sun in an eastward direction (counter-clockwise), the Sun is conjectured to move around its parent star in a westward direction (clockwise). This conflict in the directions forces the Earth to move more than one complete revolution around the sun in order to complete the apparent or sidereal year in which the sun returns to an identical position in the sky relative to the fixed stars in the background. The following corroborating correspondence is striking to say the least: 1/25,920 is the fraction of the Great Circle (the Great Year) that the Earth passes through in one of its years. This is equal to 1/72 of 1 degree -- in Earth time that equates to just over 5 days! Thus we see that it takes exactly 360 days for the Earth to circle the Sun and arrive at exactly the same point in space with respect to the Sun -- however, because the Earth, and Sun, are also moving around a greater star (in a clock wise direction), the Earth is forced to move 5 more days (in a counter-clockwise direction) in order for the Sun to occupy the same position relative to the fixed stars in the background.
John Gordon goes into other aspects involved in the relative movements and positions of the heavenly spheres. Example, the Earth's seasons are claimed by modern science to be solely the result of the Earth's axis being at an angle to the Sun's equator. This "fact" however need not necessarily be so. The Earth may, as Gordon claims, simply orbit at an angle to the Sun's equator, spending half the year above and half the year below its equator. As the Earth reaches it's solstices, it may extend partially beyond the Sun's Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) and this would account for another alleged "wobble" of the Earth's axis -- called nutation -- occuring precisely every 183 days.
The Earth moves around the Sun in an eastward direction (counter-clockwise), the Sun is conjectured to move around its parent star in a westward direction (clockwise). This conflict in the directions forces the Earth to move more than one complete revolution around the sun in order to complete the apparent or sidereal year in which the sun returns to an identical position in the sky relative to the fixed stars in the background. The following corroborating correspondence is striking to say the least: 1/25,920 is the fraction of the Great Circle (the Great Year) that the Earth passes through in one of its years. This is equal to 1/72 of 1 degree -- in Earth time that equates to just over 5 days! Thus we see that it takes exactly 360 days for the Earth to circle the Sun and arrive at exactly the same point in space with respect to the Sun -- however, because the Earth, and Sun, are also moving around a greater star (in a clock wise direction), the Earth is forced to move 5 more days (in a counter-clockwise direction) in order for the Sun to occupy the same position relative to the fixed stars in the background.
John Gordon goes into other aspects involved in the relative movements and positions of the heavenly spheres. Example, the Earth's seasons are claimed by modern science to be solely the result of the Earth's axis being at an angle to the Sun's equator. This "fact" however need not necessarily be so. The Earth may, as Gordon claims, simply orbit at an angle to the Sun's equator, spending half the year above and half the year below its equator. As the Earth reaches it's solstices, it may extend partially beyond the Sun's Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) and this would account for another alleged "wobble" of the Earth's axis -- called nutation -- occuring precisely every 183 days.
Is Your Printer Spying on You?
Interesting video on one of the ways big brother has entered your home.
The JFK No-Brainer
Same stand down of security took place in Rabin's murder, 9/11 (NORAD stood down for first time in its then 50 history on the morning of the attacks), Pearl Harbor (FDR disallowed submarines far out in Pacific ocean to warn the harbor of impending attack), etc., etc. down through the thousands of years of history keep falling for totally in-your-face murder on the part of your benevolent government.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Ocean's Eleven and Century 21

The number "9" has often been represented by the ocean by occultists (cf Manly P Hall, Secret Teachings). Because it is the number of physical generation (9 months in the 'ocean' of the womb) it is also referred to as the number of man in his unregenerate state, spiritually unregenerate, that is.
But, also, the number 11 represents falling short, i.e. sin. This is because 11 falls short of the perfect number 12 (cf. Cornelius Aggripa's classic works on western occultism).
So, by 9/11, and Ocean's Eleven, is signified, esoterically, "the fall of man."
Further, the "Falling Tower" has always been symbolic among occultists of the exact same phenomenon, i.e. the fall of spiritual man into an unregenerate state, a materialist state (cf Manly P Hall on the 16th Tarot card) .
Century 21 began with the towers falling and this provides the theme for the century, the segregation of those who worship matter (whose destiny is the VeriChip; Alex Jones has part of the story) and those who are spiritually realized. The catch phrase of the movie: "Are you in or out?" i.e. will you be counted among the spiritualists or will you pay the price of your own materialism?
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