Friday, January 04, 2008

Glen Kealey Says


The name KOREA, Corree in French, sounds like IROK when spoken in reverse.

Korea is the Iraq of the far East, just as Iraq is the Korea of the middle-East.

North Korea has manufactured a number of nuclear warheads (WMD).

North Korea has also produced intermediate-range ballistic missiles that can lob these nuclear warheads beyond Japan, into the Pacific ocean.

intermediate-range ballistic missile also ballistic missile (or IRBM) : A missile that carries NUCLEAR WARHEADS, and is launched from the ground or submarines, but has a range of only a few hundred to 1500 miles.

On cue from the MEDE, the North Koreans plan to do just that; for the purpose of inducing tidal waves (TSUNAMI) that will hit the west coast of the North American continent and as a result fill the GREAT BASINS beyond the CASCADE RANGE with sea water, all the way from Canada to California.

This event will mark the beginning of the end for those people who live west of the Rocky Mountains.

PS: The concurrent destruction of Japan and Korea is irrelevant to the Persian MEDE who are orchestrating this North American disaster on behalf of China and India~Pakistan.

The SculPTor

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