I'm not sure what a hero Andrew Jackson was, but I greatly admire him for his comments towards a group of investment "banksters" in 1828 who were trying to get him to renew their charter,
"You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning."
Of course, following the coup of 1907, a completely fabricated bank failure that lead to the creation of the (Non-)Federal (No-)Reserve(s), we find Andrew Jackson's mug on the face of the US 20$ "bill" (yes, every dollar is loaned into existence, not by the government but by private interest, and therefore represents a debt, or a "bill" to be paid by the next generation) -- just a way the banksters have of saying "Gotcha!"
We also have a quote from FDR to EM House (the real mastermind behind the fraudulent financial system we've had for the past 100 years) saying, and I'm paraphrasing, that Andrew Jackson was the last ethical president of the US (FDR was almost certainly the least!).
In any case, today I found another quote from Jackson that I admire.
"Believe in nothing, without examination. But where reason and evidence will warrant the conclusion, believe everything and let prejudice be unknown. Search for truth on all occasions, and espouse it in opposition to the world."
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