Ain't this the most disgusting thing you've ever seen in your life? But all necessary to protect freedom, of course. I should mention that M.P. Hall and others I'm reading (John Gordon, Egypt Child of Atlantis), write that there is no way that nuclear "fission" actually involves the splitting of an atom -- such a release of energy would likely, they say, take apart the whole solar system, if not the entire galaxy. I'm not quite sure if they say exactly what "nuclear explosions" are, like A-bombs, but Gordon, I believe, talks about them as a stretching or distorting of atomic structure with a resultant "snapping back" into place of that structure. M.P. Hall speaks of "splitting the atom" in his lectures, but I can't remember exactly his explanation for explosions of the type in the video.
The most important thing being, however, that, as mentioned in previous entry, the real "splitting of the atom" is the complete spiritualization of matter made possible by the activation of kundalini energy in man -- and apparently in no other creature. The "atom" of modern science is seen by theosophists as the smallest unit of life, i.e., the biological "cell" of modern science -- life, because, it is the smallest example (perhaps) of matter being impregnated by spirit. This spirit is not released until the end of evolution -- the human being.
Also, NB, the "atom" as described by the ancients (famously Democritus), was never meant to describe simply the smallest units of matter, but rather the structure of the universe from the very small to the very large. "Atom" therefore is really akin to "monad" -- a difficult word to define precisely, but is, at least, an indivisible "wholeness". The monad is one of the most important concepts in occultism because the universe consists of nothing but monads within monads (within monads, etc.) -- whence the doctrine "as above, so below". Therefore, the galaxy is a monad/atom, the solar system is a monad/atom, the earth is a monad/atom, the human being is a monad/atom, the organs of the body are monads/atoms, the cell is a monad/atom, the "atom" of modern science is a monad.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Nature of Space vs. Matter
What we're taught about the nature of matter and space is pretty much the opposite of the truth. Space is presented as void (absence) in mainstream physics whereas matter is presented as "presence", as "something", some density at least. But, in occultism the opposite is taught/believed: space is actually infinite density -- that's the reason you can move through it -- there is no "space" between space, i.e. no gap in space, it's infinitely dense. Matter on the other hand is absence, it is "the void", the "hole in space" that ancient myths depicited as being carved out of space with knives or thunderbolts (i.e. thor's thunderbolts and also the knives of ... ancient amerindians I believe). The way you can tell that matter is actually a hole or perforation in space is because you can't move through it -- it is obstruction pure and simple.
If you draw a 2-D simplification of our world on a piece of paper (just draw a big rectangle) -- and within the 2-D world, draw a circle to represent a 2-D simplified being. Draw a line next to the circle and imagine what that "being" will see when it encounters that line in the 2-D world. It will see nothing but an obstruction -- a hole moving from the top of it's world to the bottom (except there is not top or bottom because it's a flat world). Matter is the exact same thing, except in a 3-D world -- it is a perforation in 3-D space (coming, therefore, from a fourth dimension; this very phenomenon is depicted in Star Trek TNG episodes, esp. early seasons -- that show had some very gnostic themes hidden behind the veil of symbolism).
The only reason matter has color, texture, or has any qualities whatsoever that make it accesible to perception is because all matter is impregnated with spirit. Matter that is not impregnated with spirit is simply like a hole in space that has, like most holes, a "drawing in" capacity, and some spirits (like us) fall into it (the fall of man, the original sin) -- finding afterwards that it's impossible to get out of it! The Greeks associated matter symbolically as water, in some analogies at least, and Heraclitus said -- "The dry soul is the wisest." Spirits that get caught in the "hole" must go through evolution in order to finally fully reemerge into the spirit world. This is depicted in the movie "slumdog millionaire" in the first "incarnation" (the first flashback of the movie) when jamal, as a child, falls into the waste pit of the outhouse and is covered from head to foot in sewage, which symbolically is pure matter, which is pure inertia and abbhorent to spirit which is pure motion.
Why am I mentioning all this?
All this to say that the entire purpose of life and evolution is for spirit to fully "redeem" matter (the fallen one) by not only impregnating it, but, through the various steps of evolution, to totally spiritualize it. Only humans have the capacity to totally spiritualize matter -- locked within the base of the spine lies the evolutionary energy -- the serpent power or kundalini -- that, once unleashed, travels up the sushumna nadi (the 6th ventricle of the spinal cord), activating the pituitary body which then sends its "wave-like" energy towards the pineal body and reopens the gate to the spirit world. I don't really recommend premature opening of the pineal gland via LSD or other drugs -- the only way to achieve "nature's end" is to live your many, many lives and pay your karmic debt in full -- once the debt is paid, your sushumna nadi naturally reaches a state of purity, enough for your kundalini power to rise of it's own accord. Along the way of it's rising, NB, it interacts with the peripheral nadi (the ida and pingala) to actually effect a reversal of the direction of spin of every one of your seven major chakras. It is that reversal of direction that, I believe, gives the adepts much of their superphysical powers. Drugs can't pay karmic debt, they can't cause kundalini to rise, and they certainly can't reverse the direction of the spin of the chakras.
The total spiritualization of matter was talked about among Buddhists as the "splitting of the atom" -- yes, they conjectured on atoms just like the Greeks did. For the Buddhists this was the end of all evolution -- the day that matter actually was fully redeemed by coming completely and totally under the jurisdiction of spirit -- in such a way that there was no longer a distinction.
If you draw a 2-D simplification of our world on a piece of paper (just draw a big rectangle) -- and within the 2-D world, draw a circle to represent a 2-D simplified being. Draw a line next to the circle and imagine what that "being" will see when it encounters that line in the 2-D world. It will see nothing but an obstruction -- a hole moving from the top of it's world to the bottom (except there is not top or bottom because it's a flat world). Matter is the exact same thing, except in a 3-D world -- it is a perforation in 3-D space (coming, therefore, from a fourth dimension; this very phenomenon is depicted in Star Trek TNG episodes, esp. early seasons -- that show had some very gnostic themes hidden behind the veil of symbolism).
The only reason matter has color, texture, or has any qualities whatsoever that make it accesible to perception is because all matter is impregnated with spirit. Matter that is not impregnated with spirit is simply like a hole in space that has, like most holes, a "drawing in" capacity, and some spirits (like us) fall into it (the fall of man, the original sin) -- finding afterwards that it's impossible to get out of it! The Greeks associated matter symbolically as water, in some analogies at least, and Heraclitus said -- "The dry soul is the wisest." Spirits that get caught in the "hole" must go through evolution in order to finally fully reemerge into the spirit world. This is depicted in the movie "slumdog millionaire" in the first "incarnation" (the first flashback of the movie) when jamal, as a child, falls into the waste pit of the outhouse and is covered from head to foot in sewage, which symbolically is pure matter, which is pure inertia and abbhorent to spirit which is pure motion.
Why am I mentioning all this?
All this to say that the entire purpose of life and evolution is for spirit to fully "redeem" matter (the fallen one) by not only impregnating it, but, through the various steps of evolution, to totally spiritualize it. Only humans have the capacity to totally spiritualize matter -- locked within the base of the spine lies the evolutionary energy -- the serpent power or kundalini -- that, once unleashed, travels up the sushumna nadi (the 6th ventricle of the spinal cord), activating the pituitary body which then sends its "wave-like" energy towards the pineal body and reopens the gate to the spirit world. I don't really recommend premature opening of the pineal gland via LSD or other drugs -- the only way to achieve "nature's end" is to live your many, many lives and pay your karmic debt in full -- once the debt is paid, your sushumna nadi naturally reaches a state of purity, enough for your kundalini power to rise of it's own accord. Along the way of it's rising, NB, it interacts with the peripheral nadi (the ida and pingala) to actually effect a reversal of the direction of spin of every one of your seven major chakras. It is that reversal of direction that, I believe, gives the adepts much of their superphysical powers. Drugs can't pay karmic debt, they can't cause kundalini to rise, and they certainly can't reverse the direction of the spin of the chakras.
The total spiritualization of matter was talked about among Buddhists as the "splitting of the atom" -- yes, they conjectured on atoms just like the Greeks did. For the Buddhists this was the end of all evolution -- the day that matter actually was fully redeemed by coming completely and totally under the jurisdiction of spirit -- in such a way that there was no longer a distinction.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Continuation of Previous
More fleshed out?
I was interested in some of Manly P Hall's claims that the ancient mystery schools used to have very rigorous entry critera that were often cruel, and even deadly. He gives some examples in Secret Teachings but many more in examples in a small booklet I recently read of his (Melchizidek and the Mystery of Fire) of this phenomenon in cultures all around the world. The "adepts" are exceedingly careful with their secrets. The candidates often or at least sometimes lost their lives attempting to be admitted. (Blavatsky gives some amusing anecdotes of theosophists who were accepted as probationers by the hindu mahatmas around the turn of 19th century in her book Raja Yoga -- pretty funny stuff as all of them gave up in a few short months (as I recall it was all).
All this to say that .. how shall I put this ... I believe the entire world system has been made into a kind of probationary school for admission into the mystery school tradition. Birth is application for admission -- albeit unknowning application. The rigors of the admission process are very severe ... mercury/vaccine injection as a baby is harsh enough -- fake education for 18 years is practically impossible to uneducate yourself out of ... bombardment with media/advertising from childhood is also equally as difficult to "awaken" from ... not to mention being raised by parents who are completely sold into the system. All these are trials and tests of initiation, that begin at birth and now at an unconscious level. Only the spiritually pure, those who have gone through the hundreds of lives, and perhaps millions of years, it takes to arrive at total spiritual illumination -- only these pure ones, I say, will pass these rigorous tests and therefore be guaranteed to be "the real deal" and appropriate material for initiation.
Remember the opinion that Atlantis fell because the adepts decided it was "safe" to share their secrets with humanity. That decision saw white magic and occultism turn eventually, not immediately, to black magic and sorcery. A similar phenomenon appears to have happened in ancient Egypt, a highly advanced culture sustaining itself likely for many tens of thousands of years until the corruption began with the introduction of the human pharaoh's in c. 3000 BC. The adepts do not take anymore risks. They have gone completely underground -- the have created out of the world system an unconscious probationary school that only the spiritually "ripe" will even discover, let alone graduate from. The buffer zone between the adepts and the masses consists of the power elite -- the exceptionally vile among us that serve the purpose of keeping us away from the adepts. Although the elite may be selected for their narcissism and lust for power, I don't believe they wield real power, they are just tools of a "higher" sort than the average person. In the movie The Chronicles of Riddick, Judy Dench opens with "Normally evil [a reference to the spiritually unregenerate masses] would be fought with good [the adepts], but in times like these [end of age of Pisces] evil must be fought with another kind of evil [the power elite]." Also note that in that movie the "necromongers" are, I believe, a referene to us -- the masses -- that take other people's souls as I outlined in the previous post.
Also take note of the cyclical nature of history in order to understand my not-so-fleshed-out argument. The key cycle is the Platonic year (25,920 years) which is the time it takes for the Sun to go around its parent star (taking from ideas of John Gordon's -- a theosophist -- "Egypt Child of Atlantis"). At a certain point in this year (the "winter solstice"? cf Gordon's work) a new crop of humans is grown -- same way farmers grow grain. At a certain time in the year it's time to harvest that crop -- which means selecting the "good" souls that have made spiritual advancement, from those who are spiritually unregenerate (the unwashed masses). Whether or not it's harvest time now, it's obvious that most of humanity is being rapidly turned into machines through cellphone/implant technology. The bad crop will be "thrown out" and the good crop raised up into initiation. (wonderful reference to this in the movie The Golden Compass at the very end when the witch says to the only American in the movie -- "There's a war on." "I haven't heard rumor of any war. What's it about." "It's about the ending of all free will -- and you're in it whether you know it or not.") It's very fitting that the majority of the species is being turned into machines because a machine is just a body without spirit. The majority of people believe they are material beings, and therefore, they are becoming exactly what they believe they are.
I was interested in some of Manly P Hall's claims that the ancient mystery schools used to have very rigorous entry critera that were often cruel, and even deadly. He gives some examples in Secret Teachings but many more in examples in a small booklet I recently read of his (Melchizidek and the Mystery of Fire) of this phenomenon in cultures all around the world. The "adepts" are exceedingly careful with their secrets. The candidates often or at least sometimes lost their lives attempting to be admitted. (Blavatsky gives some amusing anecdotes of theosophists who were accepted as probationers by the hindu mahatmas around the turn of 19th century in her book Raja Yoga -- pretty funny stuff as all of them gave up in a few short months (as I recall it was all).
All this to say that .. how shall I put this ... I believe the entire world system has been made into a kind of probationary school for admission into the mystery school tradition. Birth is application for admission -- albeit unknowning application. The rigors of the admission process are very severe ... mercury/vaccine injection as a baby is harsh enough -- fake education for 18 years is practically impossible to uneducate yourself out of ... bombardment with media/advertising from childhood is also equally as difficult to "awaken" from ... not to mention being raised by parents who are completely sold into the system. All these are trials and tests of initiation, that begin at birth and now at an unconscious level. Only the spiritually pure, those who have gone through the hundreds of lives, and perhaps millions of years, it takes to arrive at total spiritual illumination -- only these pure ones, I say, will pass these rigorous tests and therefore be guaranteed to be "the real deal" and appropriate material for initiation.
Remember the opinion that Atlantis fell because the adepts decided it was "safe" to share their secrets with humanity. That decision saw white magic and occultism turn eventually, not immediately, to black magic and sorcery. A similar phenomenon appears to have happened in ancient Egypt, a highly advanced culture sustaining itself likely for many tens of thousands of years until the corruption began with the introduction of the human pharaoh's in c. 3000 BC. The adepts do not take anymore risks. They have gone completely underground -- the have created out of the world system an unconscious probationary school that only the spiritually "ripe" will even discover, let alone graduate from. The buffer zone between the adepts and the masses consists of the power elite -- the exceptionally vile among us that serve the purpose of keeping us away from the adepts. Although the elite may be selected for their narcissism and lust for power, I don't believe they wield real power, they are just tools of a "higher" sort than the average person. In the movie The Chronicles of Riddick, Judy Dench opens with "Normally evil [a reference to the spiritually unregenerate masses] would be fought with good [the adepts], but in times like these [end of age of Pisces] evil must be fought with another kind of evil [the power elite]." Also note that in that movie the "necromongers" are, I believe, a referene to us -- the masses -- that take other people's souls as I outlined in the previous post.
Also take note of the cyclical nature of history in order to understand my not-so-fleshed-out argument. The key cycle is the Platonic year (25,920 years) which is the time it takes for the Sun to go around its parent star (taking from ideas of John Gordon's -- a theosophist -- "Egypt Child of Atlantis"). At a certain point in this year (the "winter solstice"? cf Gordon's work) a new crop of humans is grown -- same way farmers grow grain. At a certain time in the year it's time to harvest that crop -- which means selecting the "good" souls that have made spiritual advancement, from those who are spiritually unregenerate (the unwashed masses). Whether or not it's harvest time now, it's obvious that most of humanity is being rapidly turned into machines through cellphone/implant technology. The bad crop will be "thrown out" and the good crop raised up into initiation. (wonderful reference to this in the movie The Golden Compass at the very end when the witch says to the only American in the movie -- "There's a war on." "I haven't heard rumor of any war. What's it about." "It's about the ending of all free will -- and you're in it whether you know it or not.") It's very fitting that the majority of the species is being turned into machines because a machine is just a body without spirit. The majority of people believe they are material beings, and therefore, they are becoming exactly what they believe they are.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
At the Heart of the Conspiracies
What have I found? Well, I should say, as background that I've lead a fairly miserable existence since the age of about 16 -- 20 years ago -- and felt some understanding/justification for that miserable existence by discovering that "the system" doesn't really want you to be happy, or explore your potential, but, rather, wants to fit you into to a plan that serves no one except the elite.
At the heart of all conspiracies [I had intended to post this on a conspiracy forum], I believe I've found after 3 or 4 past years of searching, is the occult -- pure and simple. By that I mean, in part, the fact -- ridiculed in mainstream society -- that each of us is not a human being, but a spiritual being (spheroidal in shape, and spreading hundreds of feet in every direction, and in which the physical body is suspended). We have, according to theosophy, hinduism, and esoteric buddhism (cf Sinnet's wonderful work "esoteric buddhism") a septenary constitution -- from our highest body -- the Atma, which is immortal and invisible -- to our lowest 'body' the linga sarira -- or etheric double, around which our physical body "accretes" or "sticks to". The physical body is a shadow of the etheric body. The adepts of this world know how to work not with the shadow (the physical) but with the light body (the linga sarira) to ensure very lengthy physical lives -- the average adept living, according to Manly P. Hall, about 1000 or more years. Actually, it's my opinion that the oldest living adept is probably in the range of about 50-60,000 years old. Between the linga sarira and the Atma lies various aspects of the mind body and the emotion body -- but, nota bene, neither our emotions nor our thoughts are experienced within our physical body, but rather are projected onto them from the surrounding bodies. The organ of the liver is the receiver of emotions, the heart, the receiver of the higher spirit (Atma) energy, and the brain the receiver of thoughts.
The point of life is not to extend physical existence -- because, actually, the only thing that can be described as true death in the universe is physical existence. To be born into the physical world is to die in the truest sense of the word, said Plato -- and the physical body is the sepulcher of the soul. The average human does not understand this, but rather gets caught up in physical existence. From this situation, we have the phenomenon of reincarnation -- where the higher principles (the highest three being the Atma, the buddhic sheath, and the higher mind) continuously create new physical bodies until finally the "person" discovers its own true nature, as did people like Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Pythagorus, Apollunius of Tyana, etc. Until spiritual illumination is achieved, reincarnation continues -- on average a spirit reincarnates in about 800 bodies prior to illumination taking place. Also, nota bene, there is considerable time interval between lives -- on average 1500-2000 years (the time it takes the emotion body and the mind body to dissolve back into the emotion and mind bodies of the Earth itself). Let's take a mean then, of about 1750 years for a physical life plus the time between physical lives -- that makes for about 1.5 million years for illumination to take place. These are not my numbers -- I'm following the teachings of Hall, Theosophy, and esoteric religion.
There are many Hollywood (an almost purely Gnostic outfit) movies that depict in symbolic form, the process of reincarnation and ultimate spiritual illumination. The "Slumdog Millionaire" is a classic and recent example -- the movie "Paycheck" with Ben Affleck is also about the same theme -- the movie "What Dreams May Come" is as close as Hollywood has ever gotten to spelling out the phenomenon of the after life. If you know how to read symbolism, then almost any Hollywood movie can be found, in it's subthemes and subplots and subtext, to be blatantly gnostic, by which I mean, occult/esoteric. Of course, movies like Truman Show, and Matrix are also entirely Gnostic works.
The troubles with being a human that gets caught up in physical existence are manifold. How shall I explain -- the explanation is important because it lies at or close to the heart of why conspiracies exist. Although the Atma, the buddhic sheath and the higher mind are not subject to contamination of any kind, the lower bodies, particularly the linga sarira and emotion body, are subject to contamination. It is, in part, this possibility of contamination, that has caused the esoteric secrets as to the nature of each of us, to become hermetically sealed. The linga sarira has a natural ability to clean itself or detoxify and it does this through the pores of the skin. Everybody is constantly detoxifying etherically through their pores, but often this "invisible perspiration" is so intense that the adepts have found it is better to completely avoid human society altogether (particularly societies like we have, based on the ingestion of highly toxic foodstuffs like wheat-based grains and pasteurized dairy, and sugar, sugar, and ... I think I forgot something ... oh yeah, sugar!). But, N.B., the source of contamination is not simply the invisible perspiration, but also the fact that when a human dies (a non-illuminated human) the emotion body breaks off from the physical and typically remains on the physical plane of existence, seeking out the vital energies of living humans. Said emotion bodies are called "kama rupas" in sanskrit. They are the cause of, in my opinion, almost all physical death in the world -- ironically it is our desire to maintain physical existence that kills us. Keep in mind that compared to other mammals, we have an incredibly long growth-stage -- ave.18 years -- which should mean that we should also have an incredibly long lifespan, but we don't -- Manly P. Hall has stated that the normal lifespan of a human should be at least a few hundred years, given the length of childhood. The kama rupas take several decades to wreak their finally destruction of the living because the etheric double comes with a natural layer of protection around it -- but this protection is gradually destroyed by grains, coffee, sugar, and alcohol, and various other phenomena, like the recent introduction of massive cellphone radiation in cities.
The fact that humans breed kama rupas -- the desire bodies of the dead -- is another major reason why the secrets of the adepts, as to the nature of ourselves and the universe, have gone completely underground. The adepts simply do not mix with humans and even the power elite of this world are not allowed into the presence of the adepts of this world, for fear of contamination. I believe that somewhere in the Pacific is a vast or perhaps not so vast continent or at least island or series of islands on which exists a much more advanced civilization of humans, the adepts themselves, of which we are comparable apes.
Also, theosophy speaks of the present state of human evolution (taking the species as whole) as being not yet close to fully mentally developed. According to esoteric teachings, it will take at least another 250,000 to 500,000 years for humans to make the next truly significant step in their mental development -- and another 500,000 years after that before we become fully mentally developed. Hence, we live in an age of "government" which literally means "mind-control" because we simply have not the mental capacities to manage ourselves (not speaking of individuals but of the race as a whole).
At the heart of all conspiracies [I had intended to post this on a conspiracy forum], I believe I've found after 3 or 4 past years of searching, is the occult -- pure and simple. By that I mean, in part, the fact -- ridiculed in mainstream society -- that each of us is not a human being, but a spiritual being (spheroidal in shape, and spreading hundreds of feet in every direction, and in which the physical body is suspended). We have, according to theosophy, hinduism, and esoteric buddhism (cf Sinnet's wonderful work "esoteric buddhism") a septenary constitution -- from our highest body -- the Atma, which is immortal and invisible -- to our lowest 'body' the linga sarira -- or etheric double, around which our physical body "accretes" or "sticks to". The physical body is a shadow of the etheric body. The adepts of this world know how to work not with the shadow (the physical) but with the light body (the linga sarira) to ensure very lengthy physical lives -- the average adept living, according to Manly P. Hall, about 1000 or more years. Actually, it's my opinion that the oldest living adept is probably in the range of about 50-60,000 years old. Between the linga sarira and the Atma lies various aspects of the mind body and the emotion body -- but, nota bene, neither our emotions nor our thoughts are experienced within our physical body, but rather are projected onto them from the surrounding bodies. The organ of the liver is the receiver of emotions, the heart, the receiver of the higher spirit (Atma) energy, and the brain the receiver of thoughts.
The point of life is not to extend physical existence -- because, actually, the only thing that can be described as true death in the universe is physical existence. To be born into the physical world is to die in the truest sense of the word, said Plato -- and the physical body is the sepulcher of the soul. The average human does not understand this, but rather gets caught up in physical existence. From this situation, we have the phenomenon of reincarnation -- where the higher principles (the highest three being the Atma, the buddhic sheath, and the higher mind) continuously create new physical bodies until finally the "person" discovers its own true nature, as did people like Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Pythagorus, Apollunius of Tyana, etc. Until spiritual illumination is achieved, reincarnation continues -- on average a spirit reincarnates in about 800 bodies prior to illumination taking place. Also, nota bene, there is considerable time interval between lives -- on average 1500-2000 years (the time it takes the emotion body and the mind body to dissolve back into the emotion and mind bodies of the Earth itself). Let's take a mean then, of about 1750 years for a physical life plus the time between physical lives -- that makes for about 1.5 million years for illumination to take place. These are not my numbers -- I'm following the teachings of Hall, Theosophy, and esoteric religion.
There are many Hollywood (an almost purely Gnostic outfit) movies that depict in symbolic form, the process of reincarnation and ultimate spiritual illumination. The "Slumdog Millionaire" is a classic and recent example -- the movie "Paycheck" with Ben Affleck is also about the same theme -- the movie "What Dreams May Come" is as close as Hollywood has ever gotten to spelling out the phenomenon of the after life. If you know how to read symbolism, then almost any Hollywood movie can be found, in it's subthemes and subplots and subtext, to be blatantly gnostic, by which I mean, occult/esoteric. Of course, movies like Truman Show, and Matrix are also entirely Gnostic works.
The troubles with being a human that gets caught up in physical existence are manifold. How shall I explain -- the explanation is important because it lies at or close to the heart of why conspiracies exist. Although the Atma, the buddhic sheath and the higher mind are not subject to contamination of any kind, the lower bodies, particularly the linga sarira and emotion body, are subject to contamination. It is, in part, this possibility of contamination, that has caused the esoteric secrets as to the nature of each of us, to become hermetically sealed. The linga sarira has a natural ability to clean itself or detoxify and it does this through the pores of the skin. Everybody is constantly detoxifying etherically through their pores, but often this "invisible perspiration" is so intense that the adepts have found it is better to completely avoid human society altogether (particularly societies like we have, based on the ingestion of highly toxic foodstuffs like wheat-based grains and pasteurized dairy, and sugar, sugar, and ... I think I forgot something ... oh yeah, sugar!). But, N.B., the source of contamination is not simply the invisible perspiration, but also the fact that when a human dies (a non-illuminated human) the emotion body breaks off from the physical and typically remains on the physical plane of existence, seeking out the vital energies of living humans. Said emotion bodies are called "kama rupas" in sanskrit. They are the cause of, in my opinion, almost all physical death in the world -- ironically it is our desire to maintain physical existence that kills us. Keep in mind that compared to other mammals, we have an incredibly long growth-stage -- ave.18 years -- which should mean that we should also have an incredibly long lifespan, but we don't -- Manly P. Hall has stated that the normal lifespan of a human should be at least a few hundred years, given the length of childhood. The kama rupas take several decades to wreak their finally destruction of the living because the etheric double comes with a natural layer of protection around it -- but this protection is gradually destroyed by grains, coffee, sugar, and alcohol, and various other phenomena, like the recent introduction of massive cellphone radiation in cities.
The fact that humans breed kama rupas -- the desire bodies of the dead -- is another major reason why the secrets of the adepts, as to the nature of ourselves and the universe, have gone completely underground. The adepts simply do not mix with humans and even the power elite of this world are not allowed into the presence of the adepts of this world, for fear of contamination. I believe that somewhere in the Pacific is a vast or perhaps not so vast continent or at least island or series of islands on which exists a much more advanced civilization of humans, the adepts themselves, of which we are comparable apes.
Also, theosophy speaks of the present state of human evolution (taking the species as whole) as being not yet close to fully mentally developed. According to esoteric teachings, it will take at least another 250,000 to 500,000 years for humans to make the next truly significant step in their mental development -- and another 500,000 years after that before we become fully mentally developed. Hence, we live in an age of "government" which literally means "mind-control" because we simply have not the mental capacities to manage ourselves (not speaking of individuals but of the race as a whole).
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Mercola on the Light Body
I posted a link previously, perhaps it was June or July, on a Star Trek TNG episode on the Light Body, or Linga Sarira of the Hindus. Here's Mercola's stab at it.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Melchizidek and the Mystery of Fire

Just finished reading this very short book. It's in three parts ... wish I could give a quick synopsis -- perhaps it's best to check out the glowing reviews on I highlighted and underlined quite a bit -- a bit too much to print out the interesting parts here.
The first part is an introduction in defense of the fact that all religions, east and west, have "fire" or "light" as their fundamental deity -- sometimes appearances to the contrary -- but Manly P. Hall is quick to point out that this "fire" is not necessarily physical or material fire, but the fire known as "akasa" or "the astral light" or, several other names, basically it is the "ethereal fire" that is one (Hall says the highest) of the four elements of the ancients.
The content of the second part of "Melchizidek" is a little harder to pin down. It's title "Man, Grand Symbol of the Mysteries" is the same as the title of another entire book by Hall. The chapter is necessarily less detailed, touching mainly on the idea introduced previously that there really are three aspects of the "fire" worshiped by all races, corresponding to the three aspects of man's constitution -- heart (heaven), body (hell), mind (earth, or the middle ground). In the first part he calls these Will (heart, heaven), Action or Friction (earth), and Wisdom or Intelligence (mind, meeting between heaven and earth). I may be a little off on the correspondences, but they're never very clear in occult writings, and when they are, they're often contradicted in other writings.
In any case, the second part also involves a defense of the argument made at the book's outset, namely that almost all, if not all, religious lore, writings, symbolism, processions, rituals, even architecture pertain to certain secret, i.e. occult, knowledge of man's true, spiritual, constitution as well as to the means of achieving spiritual regeneration -- resulting in membership of the highest mystery school on Earth -- according to him -- the order of Melchizidek.
The third part of the book explores the phenomenon of the kundalini energy, the chakra/nadi system as well as the role played by both the pituitary (the mother gland, Isis) and the pineal gland (Osiris?) in achieving spiritual regeneration.
I am perhaps cheating the reader of this review of the many quotable quotes from this short, enjoyable and highly readable book. Compare Hall's easy-reading writing style to a mentor of both his and mine -- the venerable H.P. Blavatsky, whose writing (cf. the Secret Doctrine) is often very difficult reading.
Quotes from Melchizidek (this is not representative of the numerous passages I found interesting in the book, but here are a few).
"The auric body of a snake is one of the most remarkable sights that the clairvoyant will ever see, and the secrets concealed within this aura demonstrate why the serpent is the symbol of wisdom among so many nations."
"The golden ornaments upon the altars of Christian churches should remind the philosophical observer that gold is the sacred metal of the sun, because, according to alchemists, the sun ray itself crystallized in the earth, thus forming this precious metal, which, incidentally is still being made."
"The initiates view the blood as a mysterious liquid, somewhat gaseous in nature, which served as a medium for manifesting the fire of man's spiritual nature. This fire, coursing through the system, animated and vitalized all parts of the form, thus keeping the spiritual nature in touch with all of its physical extremities."
"The Egyptians considered the juice of the grape to be more nearly like human blood than any other substance. In fact, they believed that the grape secured its life from the blood of the dead who had been buried in the earth."
"The highest of each kingdom in Nature was considered symbolic of the sun. Hence, the scarab beetle, being the most intelligent of all insects, the eagle the most aspiring of all birds, and the lion the strongest of all beasts were considered fitly symbolic of the solar disc."
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
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