Saturday, August 22, 2009

Continuation of Previous

More fleshed out?

I was interested in some of Manly P Hall's claims that the ancient mystery schools used to have very rigorous entry critera that were often cruel, and even deadly. He gives some examples in Secret Teachings but many more in examples in a small booklet I recently read of his (Melchizidek and the Mystery of Fire) of this phenomenon in cultures all around the world. The "adepts" are exceedingly careful with their secrets. The candidates often or at least sometimes lost their lives attempting to be admitted. (Blavatsky gives some amusing anecdotes of theosophists who were accepted as probationers by the hindu mahatmas around the turn of 19th century in her book Raja Yoga -- pretty funny stuff as all of them gave up in a few short months (as I recall it was all).

All this to say that .. how shall I put this ... I believe the entire world system has been made into a kind of probationary school for admission into the mystery school tradition. Birth is application for admission -- albeit unknowning application. The rigors of the admission process are very severe ... mercury/vaccine injection as a baby is harsh enough -- fake education for 18 years is practically impossible to uneducate yourself out of ... bombardment with media/advertising from childhood is also equally as difficult to "awaken" from ... not to mention being raised by parents who are completely sold into the system. All these are trials and tests of initiation, that begin at birth and now at an unconscious level. Only the spiritually pure, those who have gone through the hundreds of lives, and perhaps millions of years, it takes to arrive at total spiritual illumination -- only these pure ones, I say, will pass these rigorous tests and therefore be guaranteed to be "the real deal" and appropriate material for initiation.

Remember the opinion that Atlantis fell because the adepts decided it was "safe" to share their secrets with humanity. That decision saw white magic and occultism turn eventually, not immediately, to black magic and sorcery. A similar phenomenon appears to have happened in ancient Egypt, a highly advanced culture sustaining itself likely for many tens of thousands of years until the corruption began with the introduction of the human pharaoh's in c. 3000 BC. The adepts do not take anymore risks. They have gone completely underground -- the have created out of the world system an unconscious probationary school that only the spiritually "ripe" will even discover, let alone graduate from. The buffer zone between the adepts and the masses consists of the power elite -- the exceptionally vile among us that serve the purpose of keeping us away from the adepts. Although the elite may be selected for their narcissism and lust for power, I don't believe they wield real power, they are just tools of a "higher" sort than the average person. In the movie The Chronicles of Riddick, Judy Dench opens with "Normally evil [a reference to the spiritually unregenerate masses] would be fought with good [the adepts], but in times like these [end of age of Pisces] evil must be fought with another kind of evil [the power elite]." Also note that in that movie the "necromongers" are, I believe, a referene to us -- the masses -- that take other people's souls as I outlined in the previous post.

Also take note of the cyclical nature of history in order to understand my not-so-fleshed-out argument. The key cycle is the Platonic year (25,920 years) which is the time it takes for the Sun to go around its parent star (taking from ideas of John Gordon's -- a theosophist -- "Egypt Child of Atlantis"). At a certain point in this year (the "winter solstice"? cf Gordon's work) a new crop of humans is grown -- same way farmers grow grain. At a certain time in the year it's time to harvest that crop -- which means selecting the "good" souls that have made spiritual advancement, from those who are spiritually unregenerate (the unwashed masses). Whether or not it's harvest time now, it's obvious that most of humanity is being rapidly turned into machines through cellphone/implant technology. The bad crop will be "thrown out" and the good crop raised up into initiation. (wonderful reference to this in the movie The Golden Compass at the very end when the witch says to the only American in the movie -- "There's a war on." "I haven't heard rumor of any war. What's it about." "It's about the ending of all free will -- and you're in it whether you know it or not.") It's very fitting that the majority of the species is being turned into machines because a machine is just a body without spirit. The majority of people believe they are material beings, and therefore, they are becoming exactly what they believe they are.

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