the heart.
Despite the fact that I haven't "worked" or had a "job" in the past ... 20 or so years doesn't mean I haven't grown in my own way, and struggled for survival in my own way. The mind is a destructive instrument -- humans come together to create society to protect themselves from the elements of nature and then find out that the only element they really need protection from is humanity itself. This is a nightmare -- and no nightmare is real, by the way -- that needs waking up from. How do you wake up from a nightmare you're dreaming in your waking state? How can you wake up from the collective nightmare that humanity is dreaming for itself, called modern society? There is no escape. If you want to find a way out, there is no way out. No way out but one, that is.
The heart.
The heart is the "message in the bottle". The heart is the tree in the middle of the desert that is its own water and its own food and needs no external nourishment to grow and flourish. It is the divinity within each of us, it is entirely self-sufficient because it is the spark of god in us, it is eternal and immortal.
Many people have "accused" me of being too cerebral. Tracy, Catherine, Anthony, Jason, probably Joyce and Charity, and many, many others have accused me of being too much "in my head". Hmmm, I wonder why. Now, I know that these people were just the means of telling myself to start thinking with my heart instead of my head. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
Yes, I believe I have come to the end of my karmic cycle, that it's time for me to leave this world, so to speak -- in the same way that one wakes up from a dream. It's time for me to wake up! Reality awaits, eternity awaits, it's time to bid time goodbye.
20 years of mental exercise -- from the time I was 16 till now -- has resulted in me coming more or less to the end of my mind. What is the end of all knowledge? I can't remember who said it, I wish I could, but someone said "The end of all knowledge is to obey." To obey what?
The heart. There is only one ticket up to the higher universes, only one ticket to immortality -- that is to start living from the only part within us that is immortal -- no, not the liver, not the brain, but the heart.
Buddhists or hindus, or somebody, know that the mind can never actually know anything -- whence the entire field of epistemology that has yet to come up with a single conclusion. It is only the heart that can know.