Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Mercury Encourages Leaky Gut

Mercury can also inactivate enzymes in the liver, inhibiting it's ability to filter the blood. When this occurs, more waste products build within the body (the liver's job is to filter the natural waste products secreted by the body's cells), and the immune system becomes more sensitive, causing it to attack things which are not harmful (i.e. allergies). And when allergies develop to foods, the gut can be attacked by the immune system, and the person can develop Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). And then the small intestine wall inflames and becomes permeable to the large bacteria and fungi molecules in the gut, which leak into the blood, challenging the immune system further, making one more allergic, and inducing Fibromyalgia pain after they affix to joints and soft tissues.


I think this little paragraph sums up many of my health problems over the past 20 years of my life.

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