Monday, January 24, 2011


I wrote these affirmations while trying to decide how to remove the entities in my second and third chakras. I decided, more or less, that I can get rid of them only by not focusing on the objective world and my objective existence but rather "going into myself", achieving a purely subjective state of existence.

I have the capacity to achieve a state of absolute subjective existence so that I no longer have any focus whatsoever on the objective world, on my objective existence.
I have the capacity to experience total reunion with my own subjective nature as opposed to my objective nature.
I am not an objective being, I am a subjective being.
I have the capacity to live in the subjective world, not the objective world.
I have the capacity to completely let go of the objective world of existence and live only in the subjective world.
I have the capacity to experience myself only subjectively, not objectively.
I have the capacity to experience only subjective existence, not objective existence.
I have the capacity to know that my "fallen nature" is my objective nature.
I have the capacity to let go of my objective nature and experience myself purely subjectively, to experience only my subjective nature.
I have the capacity to no longer respond to or react to the objective world but to experience myself only subjectively, to experience a state of pure subjectivity.
No matter what the circumstances I am experiencing objectively, I have the capacity to not respond to the objective world but to only live and exist in the subjective world.
I have the capacity to have no focus whatsoever on the objective existence -- to completely let go of my objective existence and focus only on my subjective existence and experience only my subjective existence.
I have the capacity to know that objective existence stands outside of being, while subjective existence is being.
I have the capacity to experience myself subjectively and not objectively.
No matter what the circumstances in the objective world, I have the capacity to focus only on my subjective existence and not on my objective existence.
I have the capacity to know that I have a dual nature, an objective nature and a subjective nature -- but only one is real -- only my subjective nature is real, my objective nature is pure illusion.
I have the capacity to experience the fact that my objective nature is pure illusion and that only my subjective nature is real.
I have the capacity to not respond to my objective nature because only my subjective nature is real.
I have the capacity to rise up out of my objective nature and experience myself only subjectively.
I have the capacity to not respond anymore to the objective world because I know it is pure illusion. I have the capacity to exist only in the subjective world and in my subjective nature.
I have the capacity to not longer be a servant to my objective nature but to exist only in the subjective world.
I have the capacity to have a purely subjective existence rather than an objective existence.
I have the capacity to no longer respond to the objective world because it is not real.
I have the capacity to no longer believe in the illusion of the objective world but to only believe in the reality of the subjective world.
I have the capacity to focus completely on my subjective nature and not on my objective nature.
I have the capacity to know that the objective world is complete illusion.
I have the capacity to achieve a completely subjective state of existence.
I am no longer attached to the objective world or to objective existence. I exist in a state of complete subjectivity.

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