Thursday, August 16, 2007

Len Bracken, Shadow Government

7 May 1915 -- British passenger liner Lusitania is directed to cross the Atlantic and break a German U-boat blockade despite repeated prior attacks and and public warning of unrestricted firing. The Admiralty in London calls off the luxurious flagship's escort and she sails into what a serious historian, who specializes in British naval intelligences says was a trap designed to bring Washington into the war.

Len Bracken, Shadow Government

15 February 1889 -- USS Maine sinks a mysterious explosion in Cuban waters, killing 254 sailors and wounding 59 others. It was called into these waters by General Fitzhugh Lee, nephew of Robert E. Lee. The motive for the sinking was to extend American military and economic domination in the Caribbean, and also in the South Pacific through the Philippines. The flames of war were fanned by press giants William Randolf Hurst and Joseph Pulitzer.

Len Bracken, Shadow Government

The US Destroyer Maddox, and one other ship, were reported to have been attacked and sunk by Vietnamese P.T. (Patrol Torpedo) boats ... Lyndon Johnson, the House of Representatives, and the Senate approved the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which brought America into the Vietnam war, where 3 million Vietnamese people, adn 58,000 Americans died.

The truth later comes out that there was no attack on these ships by Vietnamese Forces.

Len Bracken, Shadow Government

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