Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mark Crispin Miller, Cruel and Unusual

The right to trial by jury has also been limited by Bush and Co. which now has countless suspects locked up in a global U.S. gulag, awaiting trial -- if there ever should be a trial -- not by jury of their peers but by a military tribunal. Over six hundred of those vanished men (a few boys, penned up for months) are foreign "detainees" incarcerated at Camp Delta in Guantanomo Bay, "the world's worst prison," as one journalist called it. Prisoners are often beaten, tightly chained for hours, fed on nauseating scraps, and otherwise tortured, physically and psychologically -- the Muslims ... forced to watch prostitutes caress themselves, and all detainees tormented with disinformation and incessant threats (There are also death chambers in the compound, so that anyone found guilty can be executed right nearby).

Mark Crispin Miller, Cruel and Unusual

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