Thursday, October 09, 2008

Chakra Two

Emotions are, according to Anodea Judith, at the heart of chakra two, the sacral plexus chakra.

"Emotions are inherently tied in with movement. We repress feelings by restricting movement, and conversely, movement can free the emotional holding that causes chronic tension [and depression]. We can think of the basis of emotion as wanting to move away from that which is painful and toward that which is pleasurable. Emotions are a complex instinctual reaction to pleasure and pain. They begin in the unconscious through movement, are allowed to come into consciousness. To block an emotion, we restrict movement. Then the emotion may remain in the unconscious -- meaning we are unaware of it -- yet still wreak havoc on our lives. It is acting from unconscious motivations that so often gets people in trouble.

"It takes energy to repress emotion, so releasing emotions releases tension (if done appropriately). Absence of tension creates a harmonic glow within the body/mind. This creates pleasure of an even deeper level, allowing deeper connections with others."

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