Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Glory of Saturn

Saturn is both respected and feared in India. In mythology, he is the rejected son of the Sun, the dark lord of the night sky whose glance brings limitless grief. Mars, the other great malefic in the Vedic system, signals quick and unexpected disasters (an accident, a wound). Because Saturn moves slowly through the sky, you have plenty of time to contemplate the pain he is brining you: a slowly developing degenerative disease or years of poverty or loneliness. Mars strikes suddenly as if with a sword: Saturn grinds you down over time like a millstone crushing grain.

Yet, Saturn's gifts are the greatest any planet can offer because no one can take them away from you. Jupiter can give wealth; a failing economy may swallow it. Venus may give beauty; time will wear it away. Mercury can give intelligence, but eventually memory fails. Saturn, however, gives self-discipline, patience, persistence, frugality, and wisdom. When he is pleased, he also gives long life. It is hard to earn the grace of Saturn. But when you do, you gain the strength to bear any grief or loss that life may bring and the wisdom to serve others humbly and effectively.

Linda Johnsen, The Glory of Saturn, from The Mountain Astrologer, Oct/Nov 2008, Issue #141

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