Tuesday, April 06, 2010

April 5 - ish

I just calculated that the golden section date of my birth year (which starts on aug. 26) is today, or yesterday -- in other words 7 months and 11 days since my birthday (also the orbital period of Venus around the sun).

I just noticed, watching the Truman Show again, that the Loren character's real name is "Sylvia", which means "from the forest." So, the character, which I believe is the angel that everybody has in their auric field (specifically the emotion body, or soul, as I refer to it), fits in very well with my attempts to get out into the forest for purification and enlightenment. I also heard M.P. Hall recently talk about how ancient sanctuaries/places of worship where originally out in nature. I guess the renaissance architects/catholic church took care of that one?

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